Closed Bug 121566 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Address Book flickers/hangs after adding a card which is close to splitter


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Address Book & Contacts, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Whiteboard: nab-gen)


(1 file)

tested using 2002.01.23.08 comm verif bits on linux rh7.2. i stumbled upon this while doing a quicksearch in my collected address book --after typing a certain string that resulted in multiple matches, the grippy btwn the address card listing and the card details pane started to jitter badly. 0. the collected address book contains multiple entries [at least 3] which have the same first and last name. each however have a different email address; none have an nickname specified. in my case, it was for Lisa Chiang. 1. in the address book quicksearch field, i typed "l" [the letter L] --so far, too many matches... 2. i entered a second letter, but "li" still showed too many hits. 3. then i entered a third letter, with "lis" as the string. results: at this point, the grippy btwn the address card listing and the card details pane started to jump up and down badly. the workaround was to click back into the quicksearch field and delete my last character [back to "li"]. after waiting a second or two, the jittering stopped. has anyone else seen this? i've reproduced this on two linux machines with three profiles... i tried to repro this on win2k --i got...unexpected results, but am not sure if it's the same as this bug. win2k recipe, 2002.01.23.09 comm bits: 0. only had a new profile, so created a test imap acct [3qatest01]. 1. the collected addressbook was empty, so i created addressbook cards for Lisa Chiang, in order to see if i can repro what i saw on linux. 2. i created two addressbook cards --again, each with the same first and last name, but with different email addies [but no nickname]. 3. tried to create the third addressbook card: clicked OK after filing out the fields ]as in step 2)...] results: the addressbook window somehow ended up in a hung state, unresponsive. 4. i was able to quit the application and restart it [oddly, talkback sprung up too, hrm]. 5. tried to open the addressbook window [Tasks > Address Book from browser window]. results: addressbook window appeared, but [still] hangs. 6. ctrl+W managed to close the window, and return me to the browser. should this win2k issue be filed separately?
i'll see if i can get debug info [linux] and/or talkback info [win2k] tomorrow when am in the office.
Summary: display issues when quicksearch results in multiple matches → Addrbook: display issues when quicksearch results in multiple matches
linux debug info doesn't seem useful --just got the following spewed to the console while the grippy was jittering: XXX Damage rectangle (3287,4560,10964,3687) does not intersect the widget's view (0,0,10963,4541)! XXX Damage rectangle (3287,2185,10964,1312) does not intersect the widget's view (0,0,10963,1311)! the win2k talkback report also doesn't seem that informative --dunno if it's even relevant. but here it is: Incident ID: Incident ID 2043742 Stack Signature 0x002f5c70 5c239f81 URL visited hang/forced quit after trying to add a 3rd addrbk card [same name, diff email] Build ID 2002012309 Product ID MozillaTrunk Operating System Win32 Trigger Reason Unknown exception 0xc000001e 0x002f5c70 NS_GetGlobalComponentManager [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\components\nsComponentManager.cpp, line 3323] nsComponentManager::CreateInstance [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\components\nsComponentManagerObsolete.cpp, line 101] netscp6.exe + 0x4c7e (0x00404c7e) netscp6.exe + 0x46c5 (0x004046c5) netscp6.exe + 0x3cba (0x00403cba) USER32.DLL + 0x2e98 (0x77e12e98) USER32.DLL + 0x39a3 (0x77e139a3) USER32.DLL + 0x7b2e (0x77e17b2e) ntdll.dll + 0x2032f (0x77fa032f) USER32.DLL + 0x3cd2 (0x77e13cd2) ole32.dll + 0x257b0 (0x77a757b0) ole32.dll + 0x25609 (0x77a75609) ole32.dll + 0x4d67 (0x77a54d67) ole32.dll + 0x4610 (0x77a54610) 0xffffffff
still get the win2k hang with today's bits. fwiw, here's the js console output when the addressbook window is opened. it starts to hang right after i click the collected addressbook item on the left side. Warning: assignment to undeclared variable okCallback Source File: chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/ABSynch.js Line: 4 Error: redeclaration of const hide Source File: chrome://wallet/content/walletOverlay.js Line: 1 Warning: reference to undefined property this._elementIDs Source File: chrome://communicator/content/communicatorOverlay.xul Line: 19
Trunk build 2002-01-24-03:WinMe, hangs. Trunk build 2002-01-24: Linux RH 7.1, flickers. Changing the summary from "Addrbook: display issues when quicksearch results in multiple matches" to "Address Book flickers/hangs after adding a card which is close to splitter". Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new profile 2. Configure for Mail 3. Open the address book and note how little room there is available to display the cards in the results pane (maybe 3 or 4 entries) 4. Add between 3 to 5 entries, without resizing the panes Actual Results: After adding a card which is close to the splitter (between the results pane and the card pane): - linux: it begins to flicker and there is no scrollbar. Workaround on linux: Selected a different address book, move the splitter down, switch back to the original address book and now it should not flicer. - winme: it hangs. Expected Results: The new card should be added, and a scrollbar should appear without a flicker or hang.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Summary: Addrbook: display issues when quicksearch results in multiple matches → Address Book flickers/hangs after adding a card which is close to splitter
Whiteboard: nab-gen
seems very related to #121677
Assignee: racham → sspitzer
Depends on: 121677
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.9
as with 121677, I'm hoping I can fix this with some localstore.rdf magic.
I think this might be a good one for 0.9.8, as this is a new bug that is showing up because I'm now using the outliner in the addressbook. fixed. this has r/sr=bienvenu.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
note, this problem could happen when ever the height of the abResultsOutliner isn't set. which means it could happen on existing profiles. I'm going to spin up a new bug, as it sounds like a real bug in layout. but, the fix is still correct, since we want a proper default height for these UI elements.
see bug #122153 for the infinite loop problem.
note to nbaca, I fixed this in mozilla and ns.
Trunk build 2002-02-01-03: WinMe Trunk build 2002-02-01-08: Linux RH 7.1 Trunk build 2002-01-01-08: Mac 10.1 Verified Fixed.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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