Closed Bug 121677 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

shaking/jumping frames w. standard layout


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: garsh, Assigned: sspitzer)



From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.7+) Gecko/20020121 BuildID: 2002012121 If you choose the first layout (the one with the long frame on the left-hand side), and then click on one of the news servers in that left frame, The two frames on the right side start twitching around like crazy, as if they can't agree on how things should be laid out. When I choose the second layout, I don't have this problem. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Configure to use first layout 2. Click on a news server 3. Watch other two frames go crazy.
QA Contact: esther → olgam
I don't see it on my Linux on 3-pane window. I use modern theme. I switched to Alternate 3-pane window, check newsgroup - looks fine (you also don't see problem here). Could you please check with new profile?
I have a few more details. First of all, I was clicking on the first newsgroup on the first news server list, not the server itself. Clicking on any other newsgroup did not cause this problem to happen. Secondly, mozilla was erroneously reporting that there was one unread message in that newsgroup. I don't know why. I got lucky and was able to click on the border between those two panes and resize it. After resizing it, it stopped jumping around. I've restarted the Mail App several times since then, and I am no longer able to reproduce the problem.
With the normal 3 pane, I don't see this, but with the alt-3 pane I sure do.
Ever confirmed: true
accepting, I think I saw this too. stephend, are you able to reproduce this at will? I'm hoping this can be fixed by defining a default height in localstore.rdf
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.9
Seth, although I can't reproduce the exact same jumping I did earlier (I should've been more clear; the 1st time I experienced the behavior, I simply selected a newsgroup while the window was about 3/4 screen size (on a 1024x768 display), and once I selected a message, the whole alt 3 pane jumped)). The current behavior now is that we still 'jump' when going from Account Central for a newsgroup to the newsgroup itself (not any messages). Hope this is clearer.
I saw shaking and jumping. the splitter between the thread pane and message pane was going nuts. I'll see if I can reproduce it, and if so, fix it.
the fix for this is in the fix for #121566. if we don't define a default height for the thread outliner, you can get into this weird state. I'll make sure to fix the ns and the mozilla tree (both have versions of localstore.rdf) I'll spin up a new bug (off #121566, which is much easier to reproduce), so that the layout guys can investigate if there is a deeper problem here.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
see bug #122153 for the infinite loop problem.
note to olgam, I fixed this in mozilla and ns.
*** Bug 121334 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Verified on 01-29-0-2002, Linux - 3-pane and Alt 3-pane.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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