Closed Bug 122044 Opened 23 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Mozilla becomes invisible


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ezh, Assigned: trudelle)



(2 files)

I really do not know is this my windows troubles or has moz some troubles... At some time moz becomes "invisible". When switch from window to window (in moz or from other app to moz) moz interface is invesible - only when I move the mouse the UI appears (for other parts I must press buttons to force them appear). Attach 1. Then the whole moz dissapers, so no pages are drawn (I must select the contents by mouse to see it). And I'm not able to get a normal screenshot - they all are almost black with silhouettes... On the screenshot (nr. 2) you can see Photoshop in the background and some other window and selected contents with mouse in moz window, but the ui is actually not present. Restart of moz does help or for 1-2 window and then again, or does not hepls at all. PS Also when I surfed that way at some point moz gived me an error in GUI.EXE (or GUI.DLL? can't remember now).
Attached image GUI dissapered
Attached image the black screenshot
on the screen I see all in color, but like moz windows are transparent
I opened the JavaScript console and a after a new window it shows me such errors: Error: redeclaration of const hide Source File: chrome://wallet/content/walletOverlay.js Line: 1 Maybe they are related...
One more... If the page is long enough to scroll it the contents is visible after scrolldown-scrollup, but untill I load a new site...
this looks like a problem with your graphic card driver also the crash in GUI seem to be garphix card related. (or memory or CPU overheating problems) I never saw this on my win2k system ! BTW: The JS error is unrelated.. And please add always the build ID in a bug report (but this seem to be more your system)
But all other programms working fine! Any build... PS But once I have seen it also in Opera...
Mozilla sometimes trigger some system problems. see bug 104992 for problems with older ATI Cards..
I installed a new n'Vidia 23.11 drivers. Will see if this happens again.
This bug is the same as bug 118221 (mozilla interface spontaneously disappears after some time) which was strangely marked as fixed although it is obviously not. This bug has been around for quite a long time and is usually "resolved" saying that it is either an ATI problem (I have an Nvidia card with the latest drivers) or a lack of free ressources (I have a png of mozilla working perfectly hours long with 15% free ressources and many applications open.. and another one with a disappeared UI with 60% free ressources). An interesting point is that it does not happen with NS6.2.1 which is supposed to be much more ressources-hungry.
Assignee: asa → trudelle
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
Sarah, can you reproduce this?
i haven't encountered this particular issue recently, although methinks i've seen a bug report that exhbited something like attachment 66643 [details]... don't have a win32 box in front of me presently --terri, have you seen this?
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I must reopen this bug. Win XP, same machine. After 3 month of normal work I see this again, now on XP. Same screenshot, same behavior. Restarting moz did not helped. Some more simptoms: in XP when I press Start button I see the entries, when I press All Programms the list is blank. Maybe some windows internal problem?
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
I have noticed the exact same problem with Mozilla 1.4 and Mozilla 1.5 (20031007) using Windows XP. It usually occurs after opening and closing multiple tabs with image content, but I have been unable to reliably recreate the conditions. The symptoms appear to be the entire browser disappearing and then only selectively redrawing components (usually in response to waving the mouse over them).
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Eugene, mcfang, is this still a problem? WFM
I dunno, since I do not use Win98 anymore. On XP I cannot remember it happened with Seamonkey.
marking WFM based on combination of comment 14 (where it was reported to exist on XP) and comment 17 (where it hasn't been happening on XP). As for w98, I've not had this is a few years of use. However it could happen if one ran short of windows system memory (GDI and the like) per bug 32669. Please reopen with new comments if this is still a problem.
Closed: 23 years ago19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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