Closed Bug 1233199 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

force per checkin and release mobile fennec builds to require signed add-ons on beta 47


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jlund, Unassigned)



+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1186522 +++

this just tracks the mobile fennec equivalent of 1186522

I am putting 47 in there now for a placeholder. it's expected to change.
Blocks: 1233200
(In reply to Jordan Lund (:jlund) from comment #0)
> +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1186522 +++
> this just tracks the mobile fennec equivalent of 1186522
> I am putting 47 in there now for a placeholder. it's expected to change.

The bug-cloning copied the dependencies. Are you sure they are all still valid? In particular, what importance does a Mobile/Fennec bug have for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey? (bug 1219507)
Flags: needinfo?(jlund)
> The bug-cloning copied the dependencies. Are you sure they are all still
> valid? In particular, what importance does a Mobile/Fennec bug have for
> Thunderbird and SeaMonkey? (bug 1219507)

apologies and thanks for the catch. I forgot cloning did that automatically.
No longer blocks: 1135781, 1219507
Flags: needinfo?(jlund)
:kev not sure of the status of this bug, what version is it planned to enable this for Android?
Flags: needinfo?(kev)
Closed: 7 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(kev)
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Removing leave-open keyword from resolved bugs, per :sylvestre.
Keywords: leave-open
Component: General Automation → General
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