Closed Bug 1234832 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Introduce a new page to be able to edit a release


(Release Engineering :: Applications: Shipit, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Sylvestre, Assigned: asilva, Mentored)



(Whiteboard: [good first bug][lang=Python and Javascript])


(1 file)

As ship-it is becoming the source of truth for release, the need to edit a release is going to be more and more important.

For now, from the list of releases, it is possible to edit:
* the description
* if it was a "sec driven" release or not

But it is not possible to change the shipped date.

Instead of expending the list of release (already crowded), we should have a dedicated page to edit the info.

On this page, we should be able to edit:
* the status of the release (Post Release or not) - select between the various values
* the description - textarea
* sec driven release - checkbox
* shipped date - a input with a date selection (we might need to enter the hour too)
Allan, would you be interested by this feature?
Mentor: sledru
Flags: needinfo?(allan.tavares)
Whiteboard: [good first bug][lang=Python and Javascript]
Sure, but I need wait 15 days to start.
My bed droped on my notebook. DELL says that are 15 days to fix the monitor.
Flags: needinfo?(allan.tavares)
(In reply to Sylvestre Ledru [:sylvestre] from comment #0)
> As ship-it is becoming the source of truth for release, the need to edit a
> release is going to be more and more important.
> For now, from the list of releases, it is possible to edit:
> * the description
> * if it was a "sec driven" release or not
> But it is not possible to change the shipped date.
> Instead of expending the list of release (already crowded), we should have a
> dedicated page to edit the info.
> On this page, we should be able to edit:
> * the status of the release (Post Release or not) - select between the
> various values
> * the description - textarea
> * sec driven release - checkbox
> * shipped date - a input with a date selection (we might need to enter the
> hour too)

Can I work on this?
Hi Wasif,
You are currently working on this new page?
Flags: needinfo?(wasif_hyder)
(In reply to Allan [ex-dev] from comment #4)
> Hi Wasif,
> You are currently working on this new page?

Hi Allan, I never heard back about the bug, so I can't say that I am.
Flags: needinfo?(wasif_hyder)
If you are iterested yet, I think you can create the page and make a PR when finish.
Attached image New Page Print
Hi, Sylvestre, I am making some adjustments and soon I will make a pull request.
Do you need any change in this page?

A new table will be created to fill status list?
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
> Hi, Sylvestre, I am making some adjustments and soon I will make a pull
> request.
> Do you need any change in this page?
This is great, congrat!
Just a comment, are you providing an helper to do date selection?

> A new table will be created to fill status list?
I don't think this is needed. I think that the release_events is where the information is coming from.
:rail or :bhearsum can explain in case of question.
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Assignee: nobody → allan.tavares
(In reply to Sylvestre Ledru [:sylvestre] from comment #8)
> > Hi, Sylvestre, I am making some adjustments and soon I will make a pull
> > request.
> > Do you need any change in this page?
> This is great, congrat!
> Just a comment, are you providing an helper to do date selection?
> You mean an helper like Jquery Datepicker? -Not yet, but I can add.
> > 
> > A new table will be created to fill status list?
> I don't think this is needed. I think that the release_events is where the
> information is coming from.
> :rail or :bhearsum can explain in case of question.
(In reply to Allan [ex-dev] from comment #10)
> (In reply to Sylvestre Ledru [:sylvestre] from comment #8)
> > > Hi, Sylvestre, I am making some adjustments and soon I will make a pull
> > > request.
> > > Do you need any change in this page?
> > This is great, congrat!
> > Just a comment, are you providing an helper to do date selection?
You mean an helper like Jquery Datepicker? -Not yet, but I can add.

> > > A new table will be created to fill status list?
> > I don't think this is needed. I think that the release_events is where the
> > information is coming from.
> > :rail or :bhearsum can explain in case of question.
(In reply to Allan [ex-dev] from comment #11)
> You mean an helper like Jquery Datepicker? -Not yet, but I can add.
Yes, if it is not too complex. This simplifies the selection of dates
Allan, could you push your changes? Thanks :)
Flags: needinfo?(allan.tavares)
Soon I will push the changes, I need to recovery files from my backup.
Flags: needinfo?(allan.tavares)
Hi, I need to make some validation in this form?
E.g.: release eligible to edit (when form loads), non-blank fields etc
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
That the date exists (and not in the future), description can be empty.

Besides that, if you have specific questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Blocks: 1239388
Blocks: 1146897
Hi Rail, Sylvestre!
I was working yesterday in this new page, but I don't found a way to change release status that makes sense.

My current understanding is:
The release status is determined by release events through ship-it notifier, due to this, is not possible change the release status. But, the (Firefox|Fennec|Thunderbird)Release tables has a status field, actually I update this field, but it seems not correct.

I think that for other fields, all is OK. How I should handle the status list for now?
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Don't bother about the status, the rest will be fine for a v1 :) Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Hi, new PR for this bug:
Blocks: 1260420
This has been merged. Hopefully, this will be deployed soon.

Allan, could you report a new bug to manage the status? (so that we don't forget)
Where is the "ship-it notifier" source code?

I didn't report a new bug yet, because I am not sure if is possible to change the release status. I am analyzing this case.
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
I don't think you need ship-it notifier to fix the blocking issue for the deployment?
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Indeed not, I asked by "ship-it notifier" source code to better understand the ship-it workflow and to analyze the possibility to change release status.
A new PR (#55) was made to edit a release. The new changes are considering the "Shipped!/Not Shipped!" button logic to prevent break them.

If the release is marked as shipped, the shipped date is required.
Non shipped release allow to edit the description and the security driven field.

I thought to enable edit the "shipped releases" only, but I wasn't sure.
(In reply to Allan [:ex-dev] from comment #25)
> A new PR (#55) was made to edit a release. The new changes are considering
> the "Shipped!/Not Shipped!" button logic to prevent break them.
> If the release is marked as shipped, the shipped date is required.
> Non shipped release allow to edit the description and the security driven
> field.
> I thought to enable edit the "shipped releases" only, but I wasn't sure.
Consider PR #56
This is now fixed and deployed, thanks allan!
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Applications: ShipIt (backend) → Applications: ShipIt
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