Closed Bug 123772 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Crash when modifying event


(Calendar :: General, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: xyzzy, Assigned: mikeypotter)


(Keywords: crash)

Windows 98 with build 2002020409 with Feb 5, 2002 XPI:

1. Create an event titled "Foo".  Hit OK button.
2. Double-click on the event to modify it.
3. Change the title to "Bar".  Hit OK button.
4. Note event title.
5. Click close-window X button in upper right.

Expected results: In step 4, the title should be "Bar".  Calendar should exit
cleanly in step 5.

Actual results: In step 4, the title reads "Foo".  All of Moz crashes in step 5.
Calendar won't crash all of Moz if you don't attempt to edit the event? I just 
want to determine that the crash is actually part of this problem or not...
Not sure I understand your response, but I'll try to answer:

1) The crash is the real issue here.  Steps 1-4 could be considered a bug by
itself, but is much less severe.
2) Doing just steps 1 and 5 exits cleanly.

So, I think the answer to your question is no, if I don't modify the event, the
crash does not occur.  This might be fixable by fixing the problem in steps 1-4,
but then again, it may not.
Thanks for the answer... You understood what I was trying to say.

Anyways, I have this too, under this: Win98 (4.10.1998), 0.9.7 milestone (build
2002020406), 2002/02/11 XPI. Does the dataloss from bug 123588 happen here, too?
I'll bet a Coke the two are interrelated.
Argh, sorry, Feb 9.
Keywords: crash
I'm pretty sure that its trying to edit an event that it can't find in the data
file, because the file was not written there in the first place.
We're working on that bug now, when we get it fixed this one should be taken
care of as well.
This bug is fixed now that event data is being saved.
Get the new XPI to fix it.
Note that deleting events still doesn't work, that's filed in another bug 117982
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The bugspam monkeys have been set free and are feeding on Calendar :: General. Be afraid for your sanity!
QA Contact: colint → general
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