Closed Bug 125000 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

make public aware of 1.0


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: markushuebner, Assigned: endico)


what actions are taking to get the attention 1.0 deserves?
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: mozilla1.0, qawanted
Interesting question.
Assignee: asa → endico
Severity: critical → major
Component: Browser-General →
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Product: Browser →
QA Contact: doronr → asa
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: make 1.0 be aware by public → make public aware of 1.0
I assume that many developers who will benefit from 1.0 already know it's on the way (Netscape, Beonex, Kmeleon, Galeon, etc). My question is: who else _should_ know about 1.0? IOW, what's the target audience? Perhaps some of the 1.0 'customers' listed above would have some self-interest in promoting 1.0 to other developers...
Think it's crucial to better inform the developer-community (not just the big companies) to get more and more members for the Mozilla project.
-> taking QA contact so I don't need to watch Dawn anymore. ;)
QA Contact: asa → imajes
What about ads on the free sites out there? I know there are sites that run free ads for free products.
Is there a concrete branding strategy paper somewhere available ?
Time is ticking away ... any news on that?
Somewhere else (I can't remember where now - perhaps IRC) somebody was talking about the idea of having a website more directed towards end users. I know that end users aren't the target user of the project, but darn it, I think it's a really good idea. I find myself more and more recommending Moz over NS 6.x for reasons hyatt has explained in his weblog, and more. I would dearly love to have a place I could point non-techies to that would clearly and simply explain the benefits of moz, installation procedure etc. I expect I'll be told I should get off my butt and make a contribution, unfortunately, I don't have the time to do it myself now. Is anybody else working on this?
Severity: major → critical
cwhitt: you may be thinking of some discussion that has taken place on the evangelmoz mailing list.
hey, it's out ... remaining this open just for a couple of days - till the news coverage is increasing :)
time to close it ?
Think this is a mid-term effort. Still wondering what measures are going on for brand management of mozilla. Couldn't find any related documents.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 94490 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Keywords: qawanted
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: → Websites
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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