Closed Bug 94490 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Mozilla needs some PR


(Marketing :: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: raccettura, Assigned: raccettura)


(Depends on 1 open bug, )



(3 files)

I think Mozilla's biggest setback is that not enough people know about it. I think some "web badges" should be put into distribution to allow webmasters to link to the Mozilla project. It would help bring awareness to Mozilla. I decided to play around for a few minutes and design a few of my own (feel free to use them if you wish.) Even if nobody ever clicked on a Mozilla web badge, if they were arround on the net, people would see them, and Mozilla would be a familiar name, that is something to stive for.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Assignee: rudman → mitchell
this is a good idea. I'll look into it when we can. Realistically, it will take a while to get to this; my backlog of things to do is far too long.
Mitchell, I'm willing to donate the cheap ones I have done.
But none of them are PNGs! ;) I'll see if I can post some PSDs along with some PNG, GIF, and JPG format images later this week. Can never have too many good faces out for the world to see... ;)
I added PNG and PSD versions of my buttons.
I like design #1. Is there any movement in selecting an official badge?
I haven't heard of any offical badge yet. I am willing to donate ;) I think this should be a priority. Mozilla needs exposure as much as it needs development. It can be a great product, but if nobody knows about it... then what good is it?
Sounds like a generous offer, Robert. Asa.. can we pick and start using one of Robert's badges for our sites? Right now, OEone is using the full banner, similar to Robert's design #1.
Well, is this ever going to become a reality? With 1.0 coming soon, it's a good time to start spreading the word about Mozilla. Hopefully it could be included in the Mozilla download in a special directory, so that anyone who downloads it has the option of using it. That way we get serious distribution by default, then make it available on the web for those who don't want to download Mozilla.
My main concern with badge #1 is that the text is a bit small. It should really be the main feature of the badge. It would probably be best if there's a wide variety of images (different styles and sizes) for people to choose from.
The reason I made the text so small in #1 is because I didn't want to obstruct the image itself, and images say more than words, and make more of an impression. If someone is interested they see the words, but something needs to capture their intrest. Feel free to modify. They were just a few really quick ideas. I am going to make a little adjustment to number 2 when I get a chance so that it looks a bit more interesting.
> The reason I made the text so small in #1 is because I didn't want to obstruct > the image itself, and images say more than words, and make more of an > impression. I take your point but I think it would be nicer if the text stood out more. Look at the browser buttons at to see what I mean. I hope I don't sound like I'm criticising; it's just a suggestion. :-) > Feel free to modify. You've obviously never seen my rather limited artisitic skills. :-)
I am no artist either, so anyone who wants should not feel that they can't contribute. I just created a few to get the idea moving.
Oh boy! Do we have another splash-screen caliber bug?
Picky things: Please make the the text black and get rid of the smokestack on the right. Also, we need a vertical one akin to w3c's vertical CSS compliance image. Then make a copy of both of those with a blue background (modern). Also, make a version with a check mark instead of Now. We can then let people choose from those 12 images: Mozilla - yellow Mozilla - blue Mozilla - vertical, yellow Mozilla - vertical, blue Mozilla Now - yellow Mozilla Now - blue Mozilla Now - vertical, yellow Mozilla Now - vertical, blue Mozilla V- yellow Mozilla V- blue Mozilla V- vertical, yellow Mozilla V- vertical, blue V=check :-)
Don't know what the CSS complaince image is. Are you refering to this one? Otherwise, if everyone agrees, that is what it should be, I am more than happy to make the changes.
Ok, yeah forget the vertical. My memory must be failing me. I guess its commonly horizontal as yours are.
I started a project to help evangelize Mozilla a few days ago, and will startup officially very soon. Would it be possible to get a web badge included with the 1.0 builds? That would be a good time to start getting people to promote Mozilla. I am willing to take the bug since I am working on the project, but who would be our gateway to have it included with Mozilla 1.0 in the documentation?
Remember: IE's support of .pngs isn't very good. If we want the web badges up there, they have to be viewable by IE or else what's the point of having them? We are trying to steal users aren't we? ;-) Robert - The steps that need to be taken are the following (afaik): - Agreement on the size and requirements for the images - Someone creates a suitable set of images. - After agreement that they are suitable, someone creates patches for and Mozilla browser help documentation - Patches get review and super-review - Patches get checked in We are still at step one since there is no agreement on what the images should be like.
I would assume from reading the bug here, as well as just common sence, I would guess the specs are to be similar to other browser badges (90x30) I would also assume we be as compatible as possible, and offer both GIF and JPG, and maybe PNG format badges, let the webmaster choose what they want to use, it's not like that will increase the docs by that much. So I think we are on step 2 or 3 depending on if anyone thinks mine are OK.
I guess discussion should now be done at to keep this bug from getting to messy. Is Mitchell still around?
Yes, Mitchell Baker is still around. Her email remains,
on you page you write: "link it to" shouldn't that be ? and the link on your page is actually a link to One problem is when I refer people to is that the page is WAY to complicated. Normal users just give up finding the download button. This I think is a major problem! Downloading Mozilla is still just for experts. I ( ) currently uses a Mozilla icon from which I find pretty cool!
Hardware: Macintosh → All
One of the things I was hoping to contribute is a page to mediate between the badge and the download itself, which would display a few of the advantage of Mozilla... very few just download files, most want to know why they should try Mozilla... that would be an effective way. People don't just download files "because" they want a reason. I think we should give them a bunch of the best... kind of like the Apple Myths page (http:// something like: - Mozilla is not just for developers... it's easy enough for everyone to use - Mozilla is fast.... Gecko.... - And so on.... then on the bottom of that page take them directly to the downloads. The releases page is good for developers but can confuse some "casual internet users" another good example is: See how that is easy and strait forward... maybe even a form with a pull down menu to select which OS (or auto detect). My point is /releases/ wouldn't be very attractive for casual internet users. It works for the "geeks" who love and breath this stuff, but lets face it, it can be intimidating. I hope to have a draft by Saturday for everyone to show what I am thinking of.
adding self to cc list
> make the the text black and get rid of the smokestack on the right Agreed. The text could stand out better without being larger (and thus obscuring the lizard) by contrasting better with the background, and the smokestack is just not a critical feature of the image. Other than that, I really do like those images. (I didn't check: they are the standard size, right?) > Remember: IE's support of .pngs isn't very good. This I did not know. What format _does_ IE support, that is not limited to 1985-style 8-bit colour and does not use lossy compression? Because I might be willing to slap together another alternative, but I'd like to be able to design them in colour and not have to downgrade them afterward. I know professional artists can make 16 colours look like something, but I sure can't. > I would assume from reading the bug here, as well as just > common sence, I would guess the specs are to be similar > to other browser badges (90x30) Height should be 31 pixels. So it has been since... since the Netscape Now buttons that accompanied the first releases, if I am not mistaken. The most common width is 88 I think (though that varies a bit more than the height). Most of the buttons on are that size, as are the buttons found at > My point is /releases/ wouldn't be very attractive > for casual internet users. Agreed. Too many options, too confusing. Break it into steps: At the first option, the user can click Windows, MacOS Classic, Mac OS X, Linux, or Other. At the second step, the user can pick Full Installer or one other option (zip for windows, tarball for Linux, and so on). ("Other" should probably link to releases/ and cut out the middleman. The Linux page should probably just have x86 builds and link to releases/ for non-x86.) Also: for most users there's no need to get an older build. releases/ has versions on it that are older than my grandmother's 8-track collection. 0.9.2, for crying out loud, must have been the official browser in Bedrock. The current milestone is the only thing an end user should get unless they specifically go looking for something different (maybe a pair of links at the bottom for "older versions" and "bleeding edge nightly builds"). > a page to mediate between the badge and the download > itself, which would display a few of the advantage of > Mozilla... You want reasons, I can supply a handful of those... * Have you ever been annoyed by pop-up advertisements? Those are now a thing of the past. Open up Preferences (from the Edit menu), and find the Scripts & Windows section (under Advanced), and turn off "unrequested windows". No more popup advertisements. * Mozilla is buzzword complaint, supporting XML, XHTML, CSS, XSL, SVG, MathML, XUL, and more. * Automatic "quirks" mode kicks in when it detects legacy web pages, for a smooth viewing experience even when the site isn't up to date. * Tired of blinking ad banners and annoying looping animations? Open up Preferences (from the Edit menu), find the Images section (under Security), and set animations to only play Once. Or, if you prefer, not at all. (The default is to play as many times through as the website specifies.) * Tabbed browsing: a concept whose time has come. Are you tired of hitting the back button and waiting for that page to redisplay -- a page that you already had opened earler? Now you can keep it there in the first place, without opening tons of extra windows. Simply right-click a link and select "New Tab", and the first page stays where it is, and you get a new tab with your link. When you're done with the new page, close the tab and you're *immediately* looking at the first page. You can also switch between tabs, for comparing pages. * Themes. Have your browser the way you want it. Choose between Classic, which looks like older browsers, or Modern, which actually looks good, or download any of numerous other themes (link here) and choose among them. * Tired of slow web-based chatrooms? Mozilla comes with Chatzilla, an irc-based chat application. There's more where that came from, but I think you might lose people if you have too many, and I'm sure others can contribute. Probably better to pick the best ten or so, reword them for maximal terseness, understandability, simplicity, and a quality I can only think to call hype. In fact, the ones above with instructions should probably be reworded to something like "You can turn off annoying popup advertisements. Find out how here" linked to a separate page explaining precisely how to do it.
All specific discussion is now being done at
<nonspecific/> Here are some example images that might give some ideas. </nonspecific>
> Also: for most users there's no need to get an older > build. releases/ has versions on it that are older > than my grandmother's 8-track collection. 0.9.2, for > crying out loud, must have been the official browser > in Bedrock. The current milestone is the only thing Now you are making me feel old. :-) I remember when that was a new release, and when it was - I had already been involved in the project for quite a while. I remember many many milestones before that one :-)
> I remember when that was a new release, Sure, so do I, but nostalgia isn't the effect we're going for here. If you're into that, get Mosaic, but for real everyday browsing use, I don't think the old versions have a lot of real value to the typical user. Note that the site confirms what I said on the evangelmoz list about button size; 88x31 it has been from the beginning.
Hello, Has anyone checked out these (amazing!) buttons? In my opinion they are really good. A second thing: which pages are the buttons to link back to? or I think linking to a specific evangelism page is better than linking to a "general" page. - Jay
>Has anyone checked out these (amazing!) buttons? > Hello, i'm the webmaster of and designer of these bans :) (thanks for these comments) Just for say i'm working on new bans (468x60) based on the 'official logo'. I'll upload them soon.
*** Bug 125000 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 78710
I really think that the art desing on and I think these are great. Some buttons should also be designed to put in webpages for those lines "Web page best viewed at 1024x768 and with <mozilla image>"
Please don't start including "best viewed with Mozilla" banners on Web pages, it defeats the purpose of the the WWW being browser agnostic.
You may be interested in Mozilla in vector format. My colleague Martin Strohlam ( have created it last week for propagation of our (CZech site about Mozilla). Here is the preview in PNG Martin told me he can give it freely (in Illustrator format) for Mozilla propagation. Any interest?
Sure - just upload it. This bug anyway has some higher priority (taking into account the recent changes in AOL/NS/Mozilla) as Mozilla is now really independant and needs to make its own way now.
O.K. attachement included. Author is Martin Strohlam - homepage: author of e-mail: File is in Illustator 9 format. It is given freely for the Mozilla propagation. (Only the small logo in the leftdown corner is Martin's ;-)
And here is the PNG preview to it.
I like it. Please join the EvangelMoz group ( We need good artists like that. You've got some talent. ;-)
Attached image Mozilla button/badge
I understand evangelmoz is starting up again and their site says they're looking for web badges and refers to this bug, so I'm attaching a little mozilla button that we've been using on our websites for a couple of years. It uses the standard red dinosaur graphics.
With all due respect. Anyone can take the Mozilla logo and splash a white text saying "Mozilla" on it. Even I ( But we need really good graphics. Clean graphics, which designers and artists will use on their sites :)
time to do this.
Component: Web Developer → General
Product: Documentation → Marketing
I'm taking this bug, as we are starting to heat up and get this pushed through. Post to evangelmoz for details.
Assignee: mitchell → robert
Depends on: 214064
Bug #231365 is a new bug to track ideas for buttons and banners, consolidating previous bugs. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 231365 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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