Closed Bug 1256020 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Reload no longer works on some page


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

45 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
fennec 47+ ---


(Reporter: vincent-moz, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 5.0; Mobile; rv:46.0) Gecko/46.0 Firefox/46.0
Build ID: 20160307145918

Steps to reproduce:

I have a Firefox with permanently open. I reload it from time to time with the Reload button.

Actual results:

Each time I hit the Reload button, the same. 6-day-old page is redisplayed.

Expected results:

The page should be reloaded.
If I switch off the network and hit the Reload button, I get a "Server Not Found" error. Then, if I switch on the network and hit "Try Again", I still get the old page.

Wget gives me the latest version of the page, so that I know that it is up-to-date on the server.
Argh, Firefox lost my comment... If I switch off the network and "reload", I get a Server Not Found error. Then, if I switch on the network and choose "Try Again", I still get the old page.

Wget gives the latest version of the page, so that I know that it is up-to-date on the server.
Same problem on Bugzilla just at the moment (I thought that Firefox lost my comment, but it appears that it was submitted though Firefox showed the previous version of the page after hitting "Save Changes").
This is worse and worse. Now Firefox shows just my bug report without any additional comment. Reload just redisplays the same contents, confirming the bug on Bugzilla.
Severity: normal → critical
Additional information: After hitting "Saved Changes", I get the bug page with the latest comments. But if I click on "Bug 1256020", I get the bug page with just the initial report, without the comments added later. And Reload doesn't change the contents.
Severity: critical → normal
Severity: normal → critical
Vincent, which version of Firefox are you using?
Flags: needinfo?(vincent-moz)
As said above, I as using:

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 5.0; Mobile; rv:46.0) Gecko/46.0 Firefox/46.0
Build ID: 20160307145918

The page could be reloaded by hitting the Reload button after ending and restarting Firefox, but the bug was still occurring when the page was updated after this reload (until Firefox was restarted again).

Now, this bug seems to be fixed in 46.0b2, which appeared a few hours ago.
Flags: needinfo?(vincent-moz)
47 since this is disabled in 46 by bug 1253598
tracking-fennec: ? → 47+
Ever confirmed: true
It still occurs with 46.0b4.
This is only disabled on release, it is not tied to a version number. So it will be disabled on 46 when 46 goes to release.

Do you still see this happen on the release version of Firefox?
Blocks: 935190
Flags: needinfo?(vincent-moz)
I confirm that Reload works in the current release version of Firefox (45.0.1).
Flags: needinfo?(vincent-moz)
A long press on Reload works with Firefox Beta. This was suggested in bug 1236130.

This bug is probably a dup of bug 1236130.
I'm going to dupe this. We can reopen if a fix for bug 1236130 doesn't address this.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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