Closed Bug 1261755 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

if, while I am writing a new e-mail, a lightning reminder pops up, I can not continue writing. Focus in compose windows is lost


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

38 Branch
Windows 10
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: frank, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
Build ID: 20160315153207

Steps to reproduce:

this happens often:
if, while I am writing a new e-mail, a lightning reminder pops up, I can not continue writing until I have reacted to the reminder and the letters and words I typed in after the reminder popped up are lost

Actual results:

the letters and words I typed in after the lightning reminder popped up are lost

Expected results:

I should be able to continue typing my mail, then react to the lightning reminder
Component: Untriaged → Message Compose Window
OS: Unspecified → Windows 10
Hardware: Unspecified → x86_64
Version: unspecified → 38 Branch
Do you also see behavior described in bug 1230628, bug 1073758 or bug 1233575 ?
Does the behavior totally go away if you disable calendar addon?
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Summary: if, while I am writing a new e-mail, a lightning reminder pops up, I can not continue writing → if, while I am writing a new e-mail, a lightning reminder pops up, I can not continue writing. Focus in compose windows is lost
Hi Wayne,
read all three bugs  bug 1230628, bug 1073758 or bug 1233575
no, none of this behaviour

Does the behavior totally go away if you disable calendar addon?
impossible to test, as then will I never get any lightning reminders
but seems logical, as then will I never get any lightning reminders
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
You wrote "I can not continue writing". Does this mean, that you can refocus on the compose window, but what you type does not appear?  Or, are you also not able to focus the compose window?
actually, I am not a "blind typer",
which means that I look at my fingers instead of the screen
so I don't see the Lightning reminder popping up while typing
I merrily type away, sometimes several sentences before I notice the Lightning reminder
only to find out that everything I typed from the moment the Lighning reminder popped up is lost
sometimes I even lose my line of thought
this is annoying
This is expected behaviour. The reminder gains focus and the composition loses focus. We can't pop the reminder behind the compose windows.

For me, this is a WONTFIX. Magnus?
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)
How is the behaviour for this scenario when a mail comes in and the notification for the same is displayed? Does that make the editor loosing the focus, too?
The new mail notification doesn't grab the focus. It elegantly rises from the systray (on Windows) and then fades away.
Agreed it is not really fixable for a normal notification like the one lightning uses now.
On a side note: I'd really love to have very aggressive event notifications (similar to the ones for new mail) for events in lightning.
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)
Magnus, you keep me guessing. WONTFIX, yes or no? If yes, please go ahead.

(In reply to Magnus Melin from comment #8)
> On a side note: I'd really love to have very aggressive event notifications
> (similar to the ones for new mail) for events in lightning.
I don't understand:
Lightning *does* have aggressive event notifications (throws up a new window, grabs the focus and goes beep). New e-mail on the other hand is rather non-intrusive. Did you mean to say:
  I'd really love to have *LESS* aggressive event notifications
  (similar to the ones for new mail) for events in lightning.
Please clarify.
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)
No I really meant more aggressive - but not in their current form. 
I'd like a notification, new-mail-style for everything - and maybe even 5 min before too - but the current reminders are too clumsy and in-your-face for that use case.
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
is there a way to pump up the volume of the Lightning reminder "beep" ?
In Options > Calendar > Reminders you can choose your own sound.
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