Closed Bug 1273866 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[All-Aboard] Content schedule


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: espressive, Assigned: espressive)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


The on-boarding add-on consists of a total of 10 pieces of content, excluding /firstrun, snippets and the import data content. These 10 pieces are divided equally between the two cohorts i.e utility track and values track

These individual items will be shown to the user on a 24 hour schedule until all content has been shown to the user. If a user does not use their browser as often, the content will be shown the next time they open Firefox.
Does the user have to run the import wizard before we start showing the additional content or, is it sufficient if they have seen the sidebar and closed it without launching the wizard?

Note however that once we start showing the additional content, there is no way currently to get back to the import data sidebar.
Flags: needinfo?(chrismore.bugzilla)
(In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #1)
> Does the user have to run the import wizard before we start showing the
> additional content or, is it sufficient if they have seen the sidebar and
> closed it without launching the wizard?
> Note however that once we start showing the additional content, there is no
> way currently to get back to the import data sidebar.

Good question.

If they don't interact with the first run side bar (importing data), the sidebar will still be replaced with other content (specifically content 1) after 24 hours.

Correct, after first run, there is no way to getting back to that piece of content. Not everyone will want to do that, but don't want that to be a gate to seeing the next piece of content.

Also, if you have never interacted with a future sidebar, it won't skip ahead to other content. For example, if you haven't ever interacted (opening side bar) with content 1 (searching or the org behind Firefox), it will keep you on that piece of content until you interact with it.
Flags: needinfo?(chrismore.bugzilla)
Should we have the add-on button disabled until we have shown the import data sidebar?
Flags: needinfo?(chrismore.bugzilla)
(In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #3)
> Should we have the add-on button disabled until we have shown the import
> data sidebar?

Isn't the only time when it wouldn't be shown is when they click "no thanks" during the questions? If you say no thanks to the questions, you go to about:home and never get anymore onboarding. We should disable the add-on button too. I will add that to the flow.
Flags: needinfo?(chrismore.bugzilla)
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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