Closed Bug 1274523 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Can't send mails since Version 45


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

45 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lars, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [duptome])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0 Build ID: 20160502172042 Steps to reproduce: I updated from V38.7.2 to V45. since then I can't send mails anymore. I can receive mails with pop3 and IMAP, but when i compose a new one or answer one and click on the "Send"-Button, nothing happens. I removed all add-ons without a result. I also tried with the newer beta-releases without a result. Only uninstalling and installing V38.7.2 helped Actual results: nothing Expected results: mail should be sent
Duplicate of bug #1271949 ? Never faced this problem. Could you update to version 45.1 and try again ?
Please try in safe-mode (with add-ons turned off). Most likely your using an incompatible add-on like Conversations, MoreFunctionsforAddressBook, Mnenhy, Quicktext, QuoteAndComposeManager, Profile password.
Wayne, do we know already what causes the "cannot send" problems? I decided to collect all incidents as duplicates of this bug.
Flags: needinfo?(vseerror)
See Also: → 1274836
Good idea. Generally Matt is perhaps better to comment on this than I. Also lists several items. Any that are missing are worth adding.
Flags: needinfo?(vseerror)
Whiteboard: [duptome]
(In reply to Anindya-Pandey from comment #1) > Duplicate of bug #1271949 ? > > Never faced this problem. Could you update to version 45.1 and try again ? Sorry, I had no time to answer earlier. I tried, more or less every 45.x version (even the betas).
(In reply to Jorg K (PTO during summer, NI me) from comment #2) > Please try in safe-mode (with add-ons turned off). Most likely your using an > incompatible add-on like Conversations, MoreFunctionsforAddressBook, Mnenhy, > Quicktext, QuoteAndComposeManager, Profile password. this helped. I'll chek out now which add on causes the problem
Problem solved (for me): the ad on "Check and Send" V 0.9.27 is incompatible. Thanks for the support!
(In reply to Lars von Rilrec from comment #9) > Problem solved (for me): > the ad on "Check and Send" V 0.9.27 is incompatible. > > Thanks for the support! Next time use support instead of filing a Bug.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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