Closed Bug 1282701 Opened 8 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Can't delete/detach attachments for digitally signed emails


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

45 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Heinz.Stockinger, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
Build ID: 20160426231111

Steps to reproduce:

When I receive a digitally signed message with an attachment, I can't delete the attachment any more.

Actual results:

Attachment delete/detach function does is not enabled.

Expected results:

Thunderbird should allow me to delete/detach a message and break the signature. Outlook has this feature, too. Thunderbird could do it in the same way.

Already discussed in 2005 but no follow up so I created a new bug. It's important for the community. See also:

Thank you very much in advance
+1 It seems that older tickets a more concern with errors about broken signature and not about the thing that a user should be able to deal with attachments no matter if it will show an error or not.
Not being able to delete/detach attachments from signed messages is a serious limitation. And it significantly accelerates the growth of Thunderbird mail files in size, which is undesired for various reasons.


This also happens with SeaMonkey/ + Enigmail/2.0.8-r1 (Funtoo builds) irrespective of the signature's validity.

The only way to legitimately remove the attachment is to also remove the signature as the signature is supposed to verify that the email has not been modified in any was since it was signed. Removing the attachment is clearly a modification.

Do you still think it is a good idea?

Yes. This is my email client and i don't care if some of my peers want to use signing and then make me not able to remove the attachments easily. Also, when it is already received, what chance is there that it gets modified?

I am talking the value of what was a signed mail being offered as any sort of evidence in the case of a dispute.

But in any case can anyone tell me how this is not a duplicate of Bug 288700?

That the original bug has not been actioned does not invalidate it, nor justify another.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

288700 is about TB showing wrong icon after an attachment is deleted in a signed email. This ticket is about inability to remove attachments in signed emails. I don't think this one should be marked as a duplicate.

If i think i will have a dispute i won't delete an attachment and alter the email (not that i would ever need this in my personal mailbox anyway). I should be able to do anything with emails and attachments in my own mailbox and don't need to be patronized by a software.

My case. One person signs all his emails by default. He sometimes sends comments about source code changes and attaches compiled binaries. I download the binary, test it and delete it. I don't need it to clog my mailbox. But i want to keep the email itself to have the discussion. And i have to go to edit headers to make it not signed anymore just to be able to remove these binaries. This is just annoying.

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