Closed Bug 128554 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Cookie & Image related dialogs shouldn't be modal


(Core :: Networking: Cookies, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: morse)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [need info])


(1 file)

Blocks: 119571
Patch for cookie & image dialogs to not open them modally... especially important for Mac OS X.
Robert, if you are going to make them non modal, then you'll also need to add code to keep updating the display whenever new cookies arrive. Otherwise the display will quickly get out of synch with reality.
Steve: I'd view that more as a new feature (best done with a different bug) and not really required to make the dialogs non-modal.
BTW You should note that, even today, other open browser windows could be invalidating the cookie display since the Cookie dialog would be modal to only its parent window.
Yes, that's a known problem. But your change will make things worse yet. If this is so important for Mac OSX, can't we make the change for that platform only?
One additional item to beware of with this. On a couple occasions I've had a non-modal dialog, and have managed to close the window with the object in question. When this happened, answering the dialog would crash mozilla. (bug 110269)
> But your change will make things worse yet. I disagree. Other aspects of the browser work similarly (thus the Reload button for example.) > If this is so important for Mac OSX, can't we make the change for that platform only? I don't see why other platforms should suffer where they can't use the parent little sense.
Keywords: mozilla1.0
Comment on attachment 72180 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to remove modality (especially important for Mac OS X) r=sdagley
Attachment #72180 - Flags: review+
Please look at comment #6. That is a serious problem which I've seen many times as well. Are you sure that making this change is not going to open us up to many crashes of this sort? Have you tried this on windows and linux and made sure that it doesn't crash, regardless of which window you close first?
Bug 110269 (which dbaron says is sporadic) is unrelated... and the patch on this bug works for me on other platforms.
The bug I was referring to was bug 60150. And that one is not sporadic -- I have been able to reproduce it many times.
Bug 60150 is about modal dialogs... which won't be true of the dialogs in question with this patch.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Nav triage team needs info: why is it urgent to make these modeless in MachV?
Whiteboard: [need info]
It is bad UI (for all platforms) since it blocks usage of the parent window unnecessarily, and the parent window isn't just a browser window but any window due to these dialogs being globally available via the "Tasks" menu. However, it is especially bad on Mac OS X where modal dialogs become "sheets" where there is UI animation.
Verbal sr=ben
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
Comment on attachment 72180 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to remove modality (especially important for Mac OS X) a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to the 1.0 trunk
Attachment #72180 - Flags: approval+
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified: 03/25/02 trunk, winNT4, linux rh6, mac osX
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