Closed Bug 129364 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Mac: ftp file download painfully slow


(Core Graveyard :: File Handling, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)



(Keywords: perf, platform-parity, regression)


(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

i have recently noticed that downloading files onto my mac --a blue/white 450mhz
G3, 384M RAM, mac os x 10.1.3-- is quite slow!

not sure if this is the same as bug 128553, since the download here doesn't
actually fail. it just takes an awfully long time.

the following tests are using a 35M file (the mozilla source in a gzip file)
located at:

FTP link:

HTTP link (sorry, internal only):

i did a "save link as" (from context menu) for the above links and saved the
file to the desktop.

i'll post the numbers shortly...
Keywords: nsbeta1, perf, regression
here are some data...will get today's info in a bit, but i imagine they're
pretty similar to the 2/21 data below. these are based on commercial OS X verif
builds, except where noted.

                 FTP               HTTP
IE 5.1           20.76sec          15.89sec
2002.02.04.17    13.51sec          27.84sec
2002.02.14.08    15.09sec          24.53sec
2002.02.21.08    3min 48.56sec     24.64sec
Summary: Mac: file download painfully slow → Mac: ftp file download painfully slow
I checked in something to ftp at 6pm on the 19th, but that would only affect
directory listings.

Is this reproducable? Can you work out when it started? Looking at checkins to
necko doesn't show anything suspicious, really.
yes, this is reproducible. looks like it's limited to Mac, too, as i haven't
seen similar behavior on linux or win2k.

i'll try to narrow down the time period (2/14-2/21) later on.
Keywords: pp
If I were to hazard a guess, I'd point at the fix for bug 121951 as the cause.
Does the timing check out?
it does look like this occurred after bug 121951 was fixed. over to sfraser for
the nonce...

                      FTP                     HTTP
2002.02.18.12         15.64sec                25.40sec
2002.02.19.11         3min 48.53sec           24.61sec
2002.03.06.08 (today) 7min 53.64sec (ouch!)   25.29sec
Assignee: law → sfraser
QA Contact: sairuh → jrgm
Severity: normal → major
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
would like to get this into 0.9.9. adding it to the tracker so we don't forget.
Blocks: 122050
Do we already have a bug for the bad http-performance compared to IE as to be
seen in comment #1? I couldn't find one.
*** Bug 128553 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is regression from the checkin for bug 121951. The problem is this:

There is a window of time in _MD_poll when an OT notifer can hit, but we still go 
ahead and sleep the thread anyway. This happens because we don't call 
SetDescPollThread(pds, npds, thread) early enough, so the poll descriptors have 
no read or writing thread set on them, and thus the NotifierRoutine has no thread 
to wake up, or set flags on.
Summary: Mac: ftp file download painfully slow → Mac: ftp file download painfully slow
I am questioning if bug 128553 is a duplicate of this bug. I did not report a
painfully slow download, but a download which stopped part way through the
download and will not restart. If by painfully slow, you mean the download can
be restarted by clicking on another link, maybe, but in a few seconds the
download stalls again. If you are claiming my original bug can be reworded as "a
painfully slow download", this is not the bug I reported. I reported a bug in
downloads which stoped and would not start again on their own, although possibly
by clicking another link.  

IMHO this bug is not a dupe of bug 128553 . It may be similar enough to warrant
working on their fix together, but the bug 126553 is definitely not a dupe of
this bug! I did not report a slow download, but a stalled (stopped) download.
Attached patch First cut at a patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Whole of _MD_Poll() with patch in attachment 73292 [details] [diff] [review], for clarity:

PRInt32 _MD_poll(PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout)
    PRInt16     readFlagsArray[DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE];
    PRInt16     writeFlagsArray[DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE];
    PRInt16     *readFlags  = readFlagsArray;
    PRInt16     *writeFlags = writeFlagsArray;

    PRInt16     *ioFlags = NULL;
    PRThread    *thread = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
    PRInt32     ready;
        // we allocate a single double-size array. The first half is used
        // for read flags, and the second half for write flags.
        ioFlags = (PRInt16*)PR_Malloc(sizeof(PRInt16) * npds * 2);
        if (!ioFlags)
            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
            return -1;
        readFlags = ioFlags;
        writeFlags = &ioFlags[npds];
    (void)CheckPollDescMethods(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
    (void)CheckPollDescEndpoints(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
    ready = CountReadyPollDescs(pds, npds);

    if (timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT) {
        if (ready == 0) {
            intn        is;
            // It's important here that we don't wait after a notification
            // has come in, so we have to disable interrupts and enter the
            // lock (see comments in DoneWaitingOnThisThread()) while we
            // check a second time to see if any endpoints have data.
            // Note that we need to set up the poll thread on the poll descs
            // before checking endpoint state, to ensure that notifications
            // are not missed.
            PrepareForAsyncCompletion(thread, 0);
            SetDescPollThread(pds, npds, thread);
            ready = CheckPollDescEndpoints(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);


            if (ready == 0) {
                WaitOnThisThread(thread, timeout);

                // since we may have been woken by a pollable event
                // firing, we have to check both poll methods and
                // endpoints.
                (void)CheckPollDescMethods(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
                (void)CheckPollDescEndpoints(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
                ready = CountReadyPollDescs(pds, npds);

                SetDescPollThread(pds, npds, NULL);
            else {
                thread->io_pending = PR_FALSE;            

            SetDescPollThread(pds, npds, NULL);

    if (readFlags != readFlagsArray)
    return ready;
Paul: the cause is almost certainly the same.
Wanted for 99
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla0.9.9
when i saw this bug, download appeared to stall for a long time, then continue,
then stall again, then continue... i did not click anywhere like a link while
observing this --just started the download, turned on the timer and watched and
watched...till it finally completed.
Attached patch Final patchSplinter Review
This patch differs from previous one only in using PR_FAST_INTSON() rather than
PR_INTSON() which fixes a stalling issue on Mac OS X (which may actually have
been a somewhat unrelated bug and more like bug 129364). I tested lots of big
FTP downloads, secure sites, IMAP, SMTP. Everything works.
Attachment #73292 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #73304 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 73325 [details] [diff] [review]
Final patch

Attachment #73325 - Flags: review+
Entire function with the final patch:

PRInt32 _MD_poll(PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout)
    PRInt16     readFlagsArray[DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE];
    PRInt16     writeFlagsArray[DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE];
    PRInt16     *readFlags  = readFlagsArray;
    PRInt16     *writeFlags = writeFlagsArray;

    PRInt16     *ioFlags = NULL;
    PRThread    *thread = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
    PRInt32     ready;
        // we allocate a single double-size array. The first half is used
        // for read flags, and the second half for write flags.
        ioFlags = (PRInt16*)PR_Malloc(sizeof(PRInt16) * npds * 2);
        if (!ioFlags)
            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
            return -1;
        readFlags = ioFlags;
        writeFlags = &ioFlags[npds];
    if (timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT) {
        intn        is;
        // we have to be outside the lock when calling this, since
        // it can call arbitrary user code (including other socket
        // entry points)
        (void)CheckPollDescMethods(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);

        PrepareForAsyncCompletion(thread, 0);

        SetDescPollThread(pds, npds, thread);

        (void)CheckPollDescEndpoints(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);

        ready = CountReadyPollDescs(pds, npds);

        if (ready == 0) {
            WaitOnThisThread(thread, timeout);

            // since we may have been woken by a pollable event firing,
            // we have to check both poll methods and endpoints.
            (void)CheckPollDescMethods(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
            (void)CheckPollDescEndpoints(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
            ready = CountReadyPollDescs(pds, npds);

        thread->io_pending = PR_FALSE;
        SetDescPollThread(pds, npds, NULL);
    else {
        (void)CheckPollDescMethods(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
        (void)CheckPollDescEndpoints(pds, npds, readFlags, writeFlags);
        ready = CountReadyPollDescs(pds, npds);    

    if (readFlags != readFlagsArray)
    return ready;
Checked in on the Mozilla 0.9.9 branch and NSPR tip. Awaiting driver approval
for the Mozilla trunk.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → mozilla1.0
Comment on attachment 73325 [details] [diff] [review]
Final patch

a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to the 0.9.9 branch and the 1.0 trunk
Attachment #73325 - Flags: approval+
Checked into the trunk (NSPRPUB_PRE_4_2_CLIENT_BRANCH)
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified in the 2003-01-12-03 CFM trunk build.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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