Closed Bug 1298913 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[RTL] RTL the preferences in about:config


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Theme and Visual Design, defect, P5)



(firefox54 fixed)

Firefox 54
Tracking Status
firefox54 --- fixed


(Reporter: itiel_yn8, Assigned: tomer)



(Keywords: rtl)


(3 files)

Current RTL builds have the preferences in about:config in the left side of the page. Firefox should display each preference (and its value, too!) in the right side of the page, but in a way that the text itself will stay in LTR formation, to avoid possible preferences (or values) like "this_is_an_example_" to appear as "_this_is_an_example". Screenshot of current look of about:config in RTL build can be seen in bug 1298904.
Still an issue on latest Nightly builds.
Assignee: nobody → tomer.moz.bugs
I am not sure how important it is, but dir=auto might be more appropriate here than ltr/rtl.
Version: 48 Branch → unspecified
Max is this something we can do/control depending on the framework/build?
Flags: needinfo?(max)
OS: Android → All
QA Contact: ioana.chiorean
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Version: unspecified → Trunk
(In reply to Ioana Chiorean from comment #3) > Max is this something we can do/control depending on the framework/build? I think about:config is not for normal end user. This bug might still need to be fixed but should not block 53 release schedule.
Flags: needinfo?(max)
Attached image Screenshot
I am summarizing a discussion we held offline: 1. Keys should always be with dir=ltr. 2. We can live with setting values to dir=ltr as well, but it will cause problems in case there is a value in non-ltr characters, so dir=auto will be more appropriate here. (so we won't end up with strings such as "!test" instead of "test!".
Flags: needinfo?(itiel_yn8)
Depends on: 1332396
(In reply to Tomer Cohen :tomer from comment #5) > Created attachment 8828431 [details] > Screenshot > > I am summarizing a discussion we held offline: > > 1. Keys should always be with dir=ltr. > 2. We can live with setting values to dir=ltr as well, but it will cause > problems in case there is a value in non-ltr characters, so dir=auto will be > more appropriate here. (so we won't end up with strings such as "!test" > instead of "test!". Agreed, plus we also have: 3. The separators between each pref should appear from side to side. Currently it's cut off at some point. See attachment 8828431 [details].
Flags: needinfo?(itiel_yn8)
See Also: → 1325230
(In reply to ItielMaN from comment #7) > 3. The separators between each pref should appear from side to side. > Currently it's cut off at some point. See attachment 8828431 [details]. It is not just the separators, but there is a right margin on the page, which also makes the space for keys shorter in RTL than LTR.
Attachment #8828432 - Flags: review?(s.kaspari)
Attachment #8828432 - Flags: review?(s.kaspari) → review+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Pushed by [RTL] RTL the preferences in about:config r=sebastian
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 54
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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