Open Bug 1301314 Opened 8 years ago Updated 3 years ago

seamonkey reproducibly locks up or halts or freezes or is not responsive for several seconds on visiting a particular web page and viewing a particular image from the web page while in safe mode


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.48 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: benl234, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0 SeaMonkey/2.48a1
Build ID: 20160905005658

Steps to reproduce:

I visited this web page: while in safe mode.

I waited several seconds for all the images on the page to load.

I located the image after the text, "it's worth the time" and before the text "If you're any type".

I right-clicked on the image and clicked on view image.

Actual results:

After a few seconds Seamonkey locked up for about 10 seconds.

Expected results:

Seamonkey should not have stopped responding, or there was no obvious reason for it to stop responding.

I have an old CPU (dual-core Athlon) and this might not be noticeable on newer processors.  If so, this might not be a high priority problem even if it can be reproduced by others.

This does not happen when I use Seamonkey 2.45, though the CPU use does hit 15-20% a couple times after the image is viewed, showing it is doing something when it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

If the main page is visited ( and, after waiting for all images to load, the same image is located and the same procedure is followed, then Seamonkey will lock up for longer, maybe a minute. (The text "Continue reading" after the text "We Should Bring Back" will have to be clicked first.)

When watching CPU use in Process Explorer (like Windows Task Manager) Seamonkey normally uses more than 50% of the CPU for a short period when first starting, showing it uses both cores.  When the problem above happens Seamonkey uses about 49% of the CPU, suggesting it is using the maximum of only one core.
Summary: seamonkey reproducibly locks up or halts or freezes or is not responsive on visiting a particular web page and viewing a particular image from the web page while in safe mode → seamonkey reproducibly locks up or halts or freezes or is not responsive for several seconds on visiting a particular web page and viewing a particular image from the web page while in safe mode
In 2.45 it doesn't happen either for Win32 or Win64.
May be related to Bug 1223911.
Did I imply it only happens in safe mode?  Sorry, it happens all the time including safe mode.
NOT reproducible REPRODUCIBLE with official en-US SeaMonkey 2.48a1  (NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0 Build 20160804000913  (Default Classic Theme) on German WIN7 64bit (Safe Mode)
OS: Unspecified → Windows 7
Comment above: !!NOT reproducible!!

Also NOT reproducible with unofficial en-US SeaMonkey 2.48a1  (NT 6.1; X64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0 Build 20160905222145  (Default Classic Theme) on German WIN7 64bit

Error console shows lots of problems with page, but nothing when rightclick image - view image.
Still happening for me.  Sorry for the false alarm.
(In reply to benl from comment #6)
> Still happening for me.  Sorry for the false alarm.

Please try newly created User Profile!
Still happens with a new fresh profile I just created.

Also, I see I should have done more testing because it happens simply on leaving the page in the link I gave, no need to mess around with view image.

So I don't know what the problem is.  Maybe I should change the title of the bug to, "really old processor has a problem with modern browsers."

Except that is doesn't happen with 2.45 and I don't see why Seamonkey should freeze up on LEAVING a page.  Viewing a page might be slow, I understand, but leaving?
I should have mentioned this.  When this happens the other open programs aren't slow at all.  They keep working fine just like normal.

So it isn't as if Seamonkey is using up all available CPU cycles.  Maybe just using all the cycles on one core only.
So I don't know what the problem is.  Maybe I should change the title of the bug to, "really old processor has a problem with modern browsers."

Which processor? I asuume it has SSE2 support?

Except that is doesn't happen with 2.45 and I don't see why Seamonkey should freeze up on LEAVING a page.  Viewing a page might be slow, I understand, but leaving?

2.46 is compiled using VC++ 2015 so it also uses a completly new runtime.
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