Closed Bug 1302786 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Support filtering output from task-graph generation


(Firefox Build System :: Task Configuration, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dustin, Assigned: hammad13060, Mentored)


(Keywords: good-first-bug)


(2 files)

The `./mach taskgraph <subcommand>` commands generally spit out all of the tasks they are creating, but maybe you only want to see one.  For example:

  ./mach taskgraph tasks -p parameters.yml -J --tasks 'source-check-mozlint-eslint'

might output the JSON for only that one task.  The `--tasks` option could take a regular expression to make it a little more general.
Hi Dustin, I am a newbie here. I would like to take up this bug. It will be really helpful if you can guide me on how tackle this bug.

Thank you
Hi Dustin, I am a newbie here. I would like to take up this bug. It will be really helpful if you can guide me on how tackle this bug.

Thank you
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Sure!  The first thing is to get a checkout of the Firefox source code.  There is some useful material on that topic on

You can stop at the part where the getting-started guide says to run `./mach build`.  For this bug, you don't need to build, just run mach commands.

Once you have that running, you'll want to get set up to hack taskgraphs,

You can find a parameters.yml file by visiting, finding a green "D", and then downloading the parameters.yml artifact that appears in the panel at the bottom.

Once you've done that, try running 
  ./mach taskgraph tasks -p parameters.yml -J

You will see that it thinks for a while, then produces a LOT of JSON output.  The goal of this bug is to add one or more command-line options that can filter that output down to something more reasonable.  The code that runs when you type `./mach taskgraph` is all under `taskcluster/`, starting with `taskcluster/`.  I'll leave you to learn about that source code.  A few hints:

  - docs:
  - read the source to learn more -- follow the execution from place to place
  - add "print" statements here and there to see what happens in what order
  - concentrate on the parts you most need to understand - in this case, the command-line arguments and the code that shows the output.

If you get stuck learning, I'm happy to answer specific questions either here or in IRC (you can find me in the #tc-contributors channel on Mozilla IRC)
Assignee: nobody → hammad13060
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Attached file
Hi Dustin, I have made some changes to functions of MachCommands class found in I have decorated taskgraph_tasks function with command argument '--tasks'. I have added a check for json format in show_taskgraph function, then show_taskgraph_json method is called (if format is json). Is my approach correct ?
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Attachment #8810340 - Flags: feedback?(dustin)
quick note -- if you set "feedback?" you don't need to also set "needinfo?"
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Attachment #8810340 - Attachment mime type: text/x-python-script → text/plain
Comment on attachment 8810340 [details]

Good start!

the `--tasks` option should be added to all subcommands that call `show_taskgraph`, which means it should be part of `ShowTaskGraphSubcommand`.

Also, `--tasks` should apply to all show methods, not just JSON.  Probably the easiest way to do that is to filter the taskgraph in `show_taskgraph` before passing it to the show method.

Finally, it's difficult for me to look at changes in a Python file like this, since I must visually compare it against the original.  Providing a patch, either as a patch attachment or using mozreview ( will make it a lot easier for me to help.
Attachment #8810340 - Flags: feedback?(dustin) → feedback+
Comment on attachment 8810680 [details]
Bug 1302786 - graph.named_links_dict changed to  graph.named_links_dict[key];

This is looking great.  The "r-" just means I do not want to land the patch as-is.

I'm open to being convinced that the to/from_json is the only option.

::: taskcluster/
(Diff revision 1)
>              show_method = getattr(self, 'show_taskgraph_' + (options['format'] or 'labels'))
> -            show_method(tg)
> +
> +            filtered_tg_dict = self.filter_tasks(tg, options['tasks_regex'])
> +
> +            tg = TaskGraph.from_json(filtered_tg_dict)

Why go `to_json` and then back with `from_json` here?  I would prefer to just filter the TaskGraph object itself.

::: taskcluster/
(Diff revision 1)
>              show_method = getattr(self, 'show_taskgraph_' + (options['format'] or 'labels'))
> -            show_method(tg)
> +
> +            filtered_tg_dict = self.filter_tasks(tg, options['tasks_regex'])
> +
> +            tg = TaskGraph.from_json(filtered_tg_dict)
> +            

some extra tab or space characters here
Attachment #8810680 - Flags: review?(dustin) → review-
Hey Dustin, in the code for TaskGraph and Graph classes it is mentioned that objects are immutable. Hence I am thinking of adding a new class method to TaskGraph which generates a new filtered TaskGraph object and returns it. Am I heading in the right direction.

Thank you
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Close!  Probably better to follow the pattern of `taskcluster/taskgraph/`, in particular "Generating target task set", which does a similar thing (filtering a taskgraph).  That creates a new TaskGraph object directly, using dictionary and/or list comprehensions to create the content.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment on attachment 8810680 [details]
Bug 1302786 - graph.named_links_dict changed to  graph.named_links_dict[key];

I'm liking this, just please move the `get_filtered_taskgraph` method into `MachCommands`, to match how derived `TaskGraph` instances are created in other places.
Attachment #8810680 - Flags: review?(dustin) → review-
Comment on attachment 8810680 [details]
Bug 1302786 - graph.named_links_dict changed to  graph.named_links_dict[key];

Yay, looks good!

Actually, mozreview is showing this diff as deleting code from, but that code isn't actually *in*, so that's confusing.  I think that is a mozreview bug, but we'll see.  Have you run this is try (now that you have try access)?
Attachment #8810680 - Flags: review?(dustin) → review+
Comment on attachment 8810680 [details]
Bug 1302786 - graph.named_links_dict changed to  graph.named_links_dict[key];

Thank you Dustin for helping me. This is my first time contributing to an open source project, so I am not aware of various terms. I am trying my best to learn things fast. It will be great if you can share some reference on "ship it".
Comment on attachment 8810680 [details]
Bug 1302786 - graph.named_links_dict changed to  graph.named_links_dict[key];

Dustin I have not run my code on try server. It will be great if you can share some reference on that too.
Thanks for asking -- "ship it" means it's ready to be committed to the version control system.  It's sort of a Mozilla term.

There's some help on pushing to try here:

give it a shot -- it's a good way to make sure the job will not cause problems when we commit it.  A good try syntax is "try: -b d -p linux64 -t none -u none" which will do a linux64 build but not run any tests.
(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #17)
> Thanks for asking -- "ship it" means it's ready to be committed to the
> version control system.  It's sort of a Mozilla term.
> There's some help on pushing to try here:
> give it a shot -- it's a good way to make sure the job will not cause
> problems when we commit it.  A good try syntax is "try: -b d -p linux64 -t
> none -u none" which will do a linux64 build but not run any tests.

So how do I know which tests are for my patch ?
Good question!  It takes a bit of learning.  In this case, none of the unit tests or talos tests (-u and -t) test this code; instead, the python tests will evaluate it, and those aren't controlled through try syntax.  Don't think too hard about it, it doesn't make that much sense!  In general, as you work on this or that part of Gecko, people already working on it can suggest what to run in try.
(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #19)
> Good question!  It takes a bit of learning.  In this case, none of the unit
> tests or talos tests (-u and -t) test this code; instead, the python tests
> will evaluate it, and those aren't controlled through try syntax.  Don't
> think too hard about it, it doesn't make that much sense!  In general, as
> you work on this or that part of Gecko, people already working on it can
> suggest what to run in try.

Okay so basically when someone will write tests for this piece of code only then it can be tested. If there are not tests for a code the most we can do is try building it on different platforms.

I ran the code on try server at it failed for one job. So this piece of code still needed to be shipped ? Can you elaborate on shipping ?

Thank you
You're right that there aren't tests for this bit of code, but in this case if it runs OK by hand, then that should be enough.

Can you link to the try server failure?  If it failed then we may need to make more changes.
(In reply to HAMMAD AKHTAR from comment #22)
> try server failure -
> 191db05218fbcba255b85c26dfa65562f99345de/
> I am not able to access it.

(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #21)
> You're right that there aren't tests for this bit of code, but in this case
> if it runs OK by hand, then that should be enough.
> Can you link to the try server failure?  If it failed then we may need to
> make more changes.

try server failure -

I am not able to access it.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #21)
> You're right that there aren't tests for this bit of code, but in this case
> if it runs OK by hand, then that should be enough.
> Can you link to the try server failure?  If it failed then we may need to
> make more changes.
 link to treeherder :
You don't need to post messages twice, with a needinfo on the second one - I can read it just fine the first time :)

The more useful link is

but you used -p all, which was quite wasteful -- that's several *days* worth of computation and many GB of storage space used.  It's not the end of the world, but please do be careful what jobs you run in try - we spend millions of dollars every year running try jobs, and every bit of savings helps.

Of all the jobs in your try push, the one that is problematic is:

and in particular:

TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | /home/worker/checkouts/gecko/taskcluster/ | 'taskgraph.taskgraph.TaskGraph' imported but unused (F401)

so, please remove that import.  Also, I figured out why mozreview was displaying things strangely -- there are two changesets with the same commit message in your push:

 dc79b735fafb HA Bug 1302786 - Support filtering output from task-graph generation; r?dustin
 9d857c040a96 HA Bug 1302786 - Support filtering output from task-graph generation; r?dustin

You can use `hg histedit` to combine those into a single changeset, remove the import, and push to review again, and we'll see how that works :)
That is a nice-looking try push!

However, on trying it manually:

./mach taskgraph full -p parameters.yml --tasks 'build-linux.*'
 0:00.12 Loading kinds
 0:00.26 Generating full task set
 0:00.31 Generated 4 tasks for kind android-stuff
 0:00.31 Generated 1 tasks for kind artifact-build
 0:00.49 Generated 23 tasks for kind build
 0:00.50 Generated 1 tasks for kind build-signing
 0:04.54 Generated 700 tasks for kind desktop-test
 0:04.70 Generated 6 tasks for kind docker-image
 0:04.71 Generated 2 tasks for kind hazard
 0:04.72 Generated 3 tasks for kind l10n
 0:04.72 Generated 1 tasks for kind marionette-harness
 0:04.77 Generated 6 tasks for kind source-check
 0:04.81 Generated 12 tasks for kind spidermonkey
 0:04.82 Generated 2 tasks for kind static-analysis
 0:04.84 Generated 4 tasks for kind toolchain
 0:04.85 Generated 3 tasks for kind upload-symbols
 0:04.85 Generated 1 tasks for kind valgrind
 0:06.14 Generated 220 tasks for kind android-test
 0:06.14 Generating full task graph
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dustin/p/m-c/taskcluster/", line 235, in show_taskgraph
    tg = self.get_filtered_taskgraph(tg, options["tasks_regex"])
  File "/home/dustin/p/m-c/taskcluster/", line 269, in get_filtered_taskgraph
    if regexprogram.match(dep):
TypeError: expected string or buffer

Printing `dep` there gives

{u'docker-image': u'build-docker-image-desktop-test', u'build': u'build-linux64/debug'}

I think there's an issue with the logic there -- maybe it changed when moving out of TaskGraph?  Can you take another look?  Sorry to keep going around and around on this one!
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #27)
> That is a nice-looking try push!
> However, on trying it manually:
> ./mach taskgraph full -p parameters.yml --tasks 'build-linux.*'
>  0:00.12 Loading kinds
>  0:00.26 Generating full task set
>  0:00.31 Generated 4 tasks for kind android-stuff
>  0:00.31 Generated 1 tasks for kind artifact-build
>  0:00.49 Generated 23 tasks for kind build
>  0:00.50 Generated 1 tasks for kind build-signing
>  0:04.54 Generated 700 tasks for kind desktop-test
>  0:04.70 Generated 6 tasks for kind docker-image
>  0:04.71 Generated 2 tasks for kind hazard
>  0:04.72 Generated 3 tasks for kind l10n
>  0:04.72 Generated 1 tasks for kind marionette-harness
>  0:04.77 Generated 6 tasks for kind source-check
>  0:04.81 Generated 12 tasks for kind spidermonkey
>  0:04.82 Generated 2 tasks for kind static-analysis
>  0:04.84 Generated 4 tasks for kind toolchain
>  0:04.85 Generated 3 tasks for kind upload-symbols
>  0:04.85 Generated 1 tasks for kind valgrind
>  0:06.14 Generated 220 tasks for kind android-test
>  0:06.14 Generating full task graph
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/dustin/p/m-c/taskcluster/", line 235, in
> show_taskgraph
>     tg = self.get_filtered_taskgraph(tg, options["tasks_regex"])
>   File "/home/dustin/p/m-c/taskcluster/", line 269, in
> get_filtered_taskgraph
>     if regexprogram.match(dep):
> TypeError: expected string or buffer
> Printing `dep` there gives
> {u'docker-image': u'build-docker-image-desktop-test', u'build':
> u'build-linux64/debug'}
> I think there's an issue with the logic there -- maybe it changed when
> moving out of TaskGraph?  Can you take another look?  Sorry to keep going
> around and around on this one!

I think that line "for depname, dep in named_links_dict.iteritems()" needs to be changes to "for depname, dep in named_links_dict[key].iteritems()", because graph.named_links_dict() returns returns a two-level dictionary mapping each node to a dictionary mapping edge names to labels.
sounds right to me!
okay so I will try it on try server and then share the changes with you :)
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
I hate to nag about communication stuff, but please stop setting the needinfo flag
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment on attachment 8810680 [details]
Bug 1302786 - graph.named_links_dict changed to  graph.named_links_dict[key];

The try job looks good (the decision ran without issue) and it works for me on the command line!  Yay!

I see there are two commits in the hg history now, and neither has a commit message that reflects the bug (they just reflect changes made in review).  I've squashed those two commits together and used a different commit message.  I also added a help message to the --tasks option (I didn't see that it was missing before or I would I have mentioned it).

Here's the result:

Hooray, shipped!  Can I help you find the next thing to hack on?
Thank you Dustin for helping me. Even I knew that I had to add help message to --tasks command but completely forgot about it. Thanks again :)

Yes it will be great if you can suggest next thing to work on.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
How about bug 1311810?  I haven't heard back from Haard, so it's open to work on.
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: TaskCluster → Firefox Build System
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


