Closed Bug 131970 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

printing distorts images in table cell overlapping page break


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect, P2)






(Reporter: paul.gammans, Unassigned)




(4 files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020315 BuildID: 20020315 AKA 0.9.9 If the cell of a table, containing an image, is split across a page break then the image get distored, ie the image squashed into the both parts of the cell before and after the page break. I would expect this to cut the image into two or move the cell to the second page. (testcast and resultant ps to follow) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Open testcase 2.Print 3.View results
Attached image Image 1 for test case
Unable to print the whole images in the last column. Confirmed on WIN2K 2002031803 build.
Ever confirmed: true
Even when I scroll the scroll bar down and up the images do not dispaly correctly.
Assignee: rods → karnaze
comment #3 talks ablout images in last column, though these are cliped and never printed i guess this is a seperate bug, i was refering to distortion of images on about the 4 row of my printout. Intresting to note the image is correctly split on the print prewiew. I'll attach an printout example showing the fault. Also i like to Confirmed that the error i'm trying to show is not present on WIN32 Build ID 2002020406
I'm having problems attaching the examples so hear as some links to them, if the of any use could you attach them. The PDF was created from the ps. [87648] [156006]
Blocks: 157675
WFM on Linux with mozilla 1.0 rc3
Bug confirmed for Mozilla 1.1 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Works fine (images get split) for Mozilla 1.2a on Windows XP. With papersize A4, the page break is in the 5th row, which might explain comment #6.
I have found that this happens under Linux using png images any time that an image is printed across a page boundry.
Rats! I noticed this problem, searched though Bugzilla to find a relevant bug report, realized my symptom was slightly different (no table cell involved), thought I had useful information to contribute, then got to smartin's report from two days ago. So all I can says is a useless "ditto": a PNG image which fell across a page boundary was displayed twice, once squeezed to fit in the remaining space on page one, then normally on page two. I've added a vote to this bug. Based purely on the symptoms, there might be some connection with this other report I found in my search: Bug# 125276 ("Printing causes squished images on second page; replicates images on first page")
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Attached file ps output (works)
Still works for me. see the output ps
These three bugs may be duplicates: bug 125276, bug 128923, bug 131970
mass reassign to default owner
Assignee: karnaze → table
Component: Printing → Layout: Tables
QA Contact: sujay → madhur
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Target Milestone: --- → Future
print bugs
Assignee: table → printing
Component: Layout: Tables → Printing
QA Contact: madhur → sujay
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Is anyone working on this? This problem has been around forever. I've attached a PDF showing the problem that I'm seeing. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030728 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.1 This PDF is generated from: The PDF only contains page 3 and 4 since the full document is 303K and thus over the 300K limit for bugzilla attachments.
Probably a dupe of bug 119263.
Isn't this a dupe of Bug 130568 ?
Is this bug still an issue in the recent nightlies?
I can't reproduce this problem. With both the test case and the URL from comment 16, images split over two pages are not distorted. This was probably fixed by the checkins for bug 80190 or bug 225243.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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