Closed Bug 1323592 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Maintain binary compatibility for Thunderbird 45 after Bug 881832


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

45 Branch
Not set


(thunderbird_esr4550+ fixed, thunderbird52 unaffected)

Thunderbird 45.0
Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr45 50+ fixed
thunderbird52 --- unaffected


(Reporter: rkent, Assigned: rkent)




(1 file)

Bug 881832 added changes to nsIContentViewer.idl and nsIBaseWindow.idl, breaking compatibility on the mozilla-esr45 branch. Thunderbird is committed to maintaining binary compatibility for TB 45 releases, so we need to land a patch on THUNDERBIRD_45_VERBRANCH to maintain binary compatibility.
Depends on: 881832
I'm not sure if you are comfortable with the review or not. Though long, the patch is very straightforward.
Attachment #8818828 - Flags: review?(jorgk)
Comment on attachment 8818828 [details] [diff] [review] Restore .idl to original, and add esr45-specific new interfaces Review of attachment 8818828 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- This looks straight forward. I'm sure you'll test/have tested that this "refactoring" actually does what it intends to do. You copied a few lines which had trailing spaces, but I don't think its worth complaining about those individually. You have my OK to land this with r=jorgk. There are two points to keep in mind: 1) I'm not really qualified to review this, so you might want to get a second opinion, up to you. 2) How do I say it nicely: TB 45.x is not my highest priority and I trust that you've done the right thing. How does that work on Which m-esr45 does it use? The "official" one or our release branch? How do we check that this patch doesn't cause any failures?
Attachment #8818828 - Flags: review?(jorgk) → review+
"How do we check that this patch doesn't cause any failures?" For test failures, the only viable path at the moment is to land it, then start a compile on c-esr45. I've done that in the past as a pseudo try server. I wanted to land this first before I land other patches so that we could see those tests.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Thunderbird 45.0
How about answering my other questions: How does that work on Which m-esr45 does it use? The "official" one or our release branch? And how do you tell it which branch to use? Sorry, I need to know for ESR 52.
Flags: needinfo?(rkent)
How does that work on Which m-esr45 does it use? The "official" one or our release branch? Treeherder uses a specified version of m-esr45, which is set somewhere to THUNDERBIRD_45_VERBRANCH Now you will want to know where that "Somewhere" is. Hmmm. Search in comm-esr45 for THUNDERBIRD_45_VERBRANCH and you will see the affected spots. Note this also affects checkouts done with which is the correct way to do it.
Flags: needinfo?(rkent)
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