Closed Bug 1324649 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Background color change does not follow the cursor quickly enough on GMail


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

52 Branch
Not set



Performance Impact high
Tracking Status
platform-rel --- +


(Reporter: timdream, Unassigned)


(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail])


1. Go to GMail and pick a theme. You would also need a more few labels on the menu of the right hand side.
2. Quickly move the cursor across the menu. There will be a solid color background on the hovered item.
3. Observe the change of the background and also the position of the cursor.

Expected result:

1. No noticeable delay between two. Background color change should always follow the cursor.


1. A more than 100ms delay can often observed. The background color "bar" continue to move sometimes long after the cursor has stopped moving.


1. Can't be quite noticeable when the background tabs are busy, but either e10s nor multi-e10s fix this to a point the user will be happy with.
2. I don't have time to dive into profiling nor reduced test, but I suspect this is not just because of the layout and the complex mark-up as they might have JS event listener on these mouseover/mouseout etc too.

I hope this is actionable ...
Same thing happens on Facebook sidebar too, should be a different bug if the cause is very different.
User Agent 	Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0

Hi Tim,

Could you please attach a screen recording of the issue you are experiencing? Because I don't really understand where this menu on the right hand side is.
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
Damn. I mean the LEFT hand side .... sorry about that.

Ni me again if you still need an video.
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
The only delay I can see while hovering the left side menu is only at page load. After the page is fully loaded, the hover effects don't seem to have a delay. 

Could you take a look at the screen recording ( I made and tell me if it's the same thing you are experiencing?
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
I am having trouble playing that recording. There was a 403 Forbidden in the DevTools log.

What you described in written is similar to what I experienced, assuming by "at page load" you also include when there is a background page loading.
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
Tim, do you know which team should be working on this issue?
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
I don't know, really. We would need a profile result to figure that out.
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
Finally got around to getting a profile:

Tim, can you take a look at the profile or get someone to look over it?
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
Thanks. I can see the profile shows many red bars labeled with "Xms event processing delay on the tab thread".

On many of these red bars, the tab thread is blocked on a GMail script handling xhr.onreadystatechange. One of these blocked by script loader. I wonder what we could do to in Gecko -- tentatively throw this to JS engine.
Component: Untriaged → JavaScript Engine
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
platform-rel: --- → ?
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail]
I looked at this profile today.  Here are my findings.

The biggest pause is  This starts off by about 90ms of top level execution of a hangouts script[1].  That’s a long time, not sure what’s special about this script and why it’s so slow.  Then there is 230ms of executing something from [1].  The stack above this wasn’t walked properly, but I’ve often seen this happen in setTimeout() callbacks and such.  After that again something similar perhaps from another timeout for 145ms.  Then there is 87ms of cycle collection immediately, followed by a 2ms PBrowser::Msg_RealMouseMoveEvent followed by a Gmail paint as a result of processing PVsync::Msg_Notify.

I looked at a few of the other pauses as well.  There was one more of the one above <> (from the same script.)  Another one <> was 155ms of running line 146 of [2].  Another one <> was 425ms of running [2].

I didn’t look further but in short, running scripts on Gmail is slow.  I’m planning to look a bit more into why that is tomorrow.

But more importantly, the case in the first paragraph seems to be several runnable that are processed before processing vsync.  Olli, why are we not processing vsync with a higher frequency?  For example, if you do a bunch of setTimeout(0)’s, is it possible for them all to run before vsync being processed?

Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
high priority vsync is disabled. Re-enabling is waiting for review.
Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] from comment #11)
> high priority vsync is disabled. Re-enabling is waiting for review.

Is there a bug to re-enable it?  I think we should reprofile this when that happens.
Bug 1332226. I'll land that during the weekend.
Tim/Ciprian: can you re-profile given that the prioritized vsync has landed and stuck?
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu)
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu) → needinfo?(ciprian.muresan)
(Ugh, sorry about needinfoing the wrong person /o\)
The behavior doesn't seem at all improved:
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.muresan)
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
Thank you for re-profiling. I'm nominating for Quantum Flow to see if it should be tracked there.
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail] → [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail][qf]
FWIW, I see lots of promise usage. There is for example one 139ms pause under PromiseJobCallback::Call.
Promises are synchronous from UA point of view, but JS often uses them as if they were async.
Anyhow, that is all Hangouts JS.
And before that there is 656ms other Hangouts script.

The page seems to also cause quite a bit garbage, since stuff under SnowWhiteKiller take some time, assuming the profile is just from that one page.
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail][qf] → [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail][qf:investigate:p1]
(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] from comment #18)
> The page seems to also cause quite a bit garbage, since stuff under
> SnowWhiteKiller take some time, assuming the profile is just from that one
> page.

This may have been improved in bug 1367164.  May be worth reprofiling.
I wanted to re-profile this but can't reproduce, even with data:text/html,<script>while(true);</script> in a background tab.

Tim, can you still reproduce?
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
I have not been able to reproduce this for quite some time. Thanks everyone! WFM?
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
WFM :)
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Thanks Tim, please reopen if you saw this (or any other performance issue in Gmail) again!
Performance Impact: --- → P1
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail][qf:investigate:p1] → [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail]
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