Open Bug 1342770 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Ambiguous "N files downloading" in downloads panel (is "other/more"; can be understood as "total)


(Firefox :: Downloads Panel, defect, P5)





(Reporter: aryx, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [CHE-MVP])


(1 file)

Firefox Nightly 54.0a1 + 53.0a2, both latest version.

Bug 1269958 changed the label for the aggregation of downloads which aren't shown in the download panels if there are more than the view allows to "N files downloading". Before it was "N other downloads". If one downloads 10 or more files, the label becomes ambiguous because it can be understood as a summary of all downloads at the bottom but it shows the summary of all other downloads.
ni? UX designer to address.

Morpheus/Bryant, please comment on comment 0 ambiguity.
Flags: needinfo?(mochen)
Flags: needinfo?(bmao)
I agree. The summary label here did have the ambiguity issue as stated above. We will consider to bringing back the "+" or "others" in the label in the future version. I've already reported the issue to our copywriter Michelle for her suggestion.
Flags: needinfo?(mochen)
Flags: needinfo?(bmao)
Keep ni? on Bryant to track UX spec revision. Developer will then fix this bug based on revised UX spec.
Flags: needinfo?(bmao)
Whiteboard: [CHE-MVP]
Bryant, any update from copywriter or on UX spec revision?
Priority: -- → P3
Valid issue, but it doesn't seem there is anyone working on it or tracking it right now, demoting to P5 to reflect reality.
Flags: needinfo?(bmao)
Priority: P3 → P5

Could it maybe be changed to "N more files downloading"?

Severity: normal → S3
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