Closed Bug 1345865 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Lithium Customization: KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer


( - Lithium :: Feature request, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: underpass_bugzilla, Unassigned)



In the localization procedure

it is stated:

"A new tab will open with the “Article History” view for the English article that is the source for the article in your language (based on the “English Article ID” field)."

The lack of the en-us version in the same tab as the localized version is a major flaw of the system, and should be implemented urgently.

+NI from Madalina for handling & prioritization.

Thank you for filing this.

Comments & possible approaches:

1. Immediate workaround, far from ideal:
Using as a browser extension to display the content of two tabs in one window

2. Possible approach:
Creating a view of the page that:

A) keeps the existing editor (for the article being edited) - in one column

B) adds a non-editable view of the most recent revision of the English (source) article, based on the "English Article ID", with options to switch between "Rich Text", "HTML" views for it - in another column on the side of the first

C) adds an option to see the differences between the two most recent revisions of the English (source) article, based on the "English Article ID" - as an alternative view in the same column as B)


A) Should this view be visible on all editor pages for each article? Customizing this to be hidden for some users (e.g. users with no localizer role) may require additional work and may not be worth it. Maybe adding a switch to show/hide the pane (2.B above) could address this.

B) The current page layout may be too narrow for two panes side-by-side. This may require changing the size of page components on the editor page only (which means an additional feature request).
Flags: needinfo?(mana)
Summary: Need an editor with both the en-us and the localized text → [feature request] KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer
Blocks: 1350845
Component: Knowledge Base Software → Feature request
Priority: -- → P2
Summary: [feature request] KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer → KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer
Summary: KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer → Lithium Customization - KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer
Summary: Lithium Customization - KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer → Lithium Customization: KB editor page should show both the English (source) and localized text for localizer
This should use the Lithium Customization for colour coded diffs (or bolded diffs for vision impaired folks) in bug 1328296
vesper is this part of the L10N SOW?
Flags: needinfo?(mana) → needinfo?(mdziewonski)
This is a part of the l10n SoW, indeed.
Flags: needinfo?(mdziewonski)
Resolved Invalid since we aren't moving back to Lithium.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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