Closed Bug 1349898 Opened 7 years ago Closed 1 year ago

support browser_style in devtools, but using devtools styles


(WebExtensions :: Developer Tools, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ntim, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [design-decision-approved][triaged])

Similarly to "browser_style": true/false for browser/page action, we should provide "devtools_style" true/false for devtools panels.
I've got a couple of questions about this…

1) Why is the devtools style different from the browser style?  At best that makes it seem like we're building an unrelated collection of random stuff, not a single product.

2) If they have to be different, why would "browser_style" not be the devtools style for devtools panels?  The intent of "browser_style" is fairly clearly "Make this look like part of the browser", so we should do that.
(In reply to Blake Winton (:bwinton) (:☕️) from comment #1)
> I've got a couple of questions about this…
> 1) Why is the devtools style different from the browser style?  At best that
> makes it seem like we're building an unrelated collection of random stuff,
> not a single product.

The advantage is that devtools_style will also integrate with whatever theme is selected.

> 2) If they have to be different, why would "browser_style" not be the
> devtools style for devtools panels?  The intent of "browser_style" is fairly
> clearly "Make this look like part of the browser", so we should do that.

browser_style as name is fine too.
I don't think there's any need for discussion here. We've got a standard pattern for providing a style that matches the rest of the UI if the developer wants it. Let's do the same here.
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed] → [design-decision-approved]
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [design-decision-approved] → [design-decision-approved][triaged]
TBH given the amount of problems and limitations with browser_style I'm hesitant about this.  However, lets at least use "browser_style" for the name.
Summary: Add devtools_style: true/false as option when creating a devtools panel → support browser_style in devtools, but using devtools styles
Product: Toolkit → WebExtensions
Severity: normal → S3

Closing bug because support for browser_style feature is going to be removed (at least in MV3), see bug 1827910.

Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
No longer blocks: 1583716
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