Closed Bug 1353952 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Version 52.0 Kept showing Java Script Error "Preferences error ReferenceError: nsPreferences is not defined. " when sending mails


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

52 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kyoredeye, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [addon:withattach])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Just got upgraded to the version 52.0. Everything worked fine before this upgrade. 

Actual results:

Every time when I tried to send a new mail, there was a warning popup window showing the Java application warning that:Preferences error
ReferenceError: nsPreferences is not defined. 
I need to close this popup window to finish the sending procedure. 

Expected results:

Expect the same behavior as before. Just click send and done.
Please test safe mode to ensure it is not caused by an addon (even if not likely to be caused by
an addon).  See
Flags: needinfo?(kyoredeye)
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk, NI for questions) from comment #1)
> Please test safe mode to ensure it is not caused by an addon (even if not
> likely to be caused by
> an addon).  See

I tested several times and after disabling the addon withAttach everything seemed working as before. But this AddOn is quite a basic one for me (Warn you when you forget the attachments.) Is there any way to fix this?
Flags: needinfo?(kyoredeye)
> Is there any way to fix this?

Yes. You need to contact the author of the addon per support information posted at

Thanks for letting us know which addon is involved
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Summary: Version 52.0 Kept showing Java Script Error when sending mails → Version 52.0 Kept showing Java Script Error "Preferences error ReferenceError: nsPreferences is not defined. " when sending mails
Whiteboard: [addon:withattach]
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