Closed Bug 1359356 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Parentheses () at the end of dialog button captions in Firefox 53 HU


(Mozilla Localizations :: hu / Hungarian, defect, P2)

Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox54 + ---


(Reporter: hellsing, Assigned: flod)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Attached image Brackets-bug.jpg
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0 Build ID: 20170413192749 Steps to reproduce: Since the last update to FF 53.0 (32 bit) I have opening and closing brackets on confirmation buttons. I found it when I clicked 'Close all tabs on the right' and 'Close other tabs'. It looks like this: 'Close pages ()' and 'Cancel ()'. The attached screenshot is in Hungarian but you will see the matter. I have auto-updated FF 53.0 in Hungarian on Win 10 x64 HU. Actual results: Buttons work properly, I just see unnecessary brackets. Expected results: Remove brackets.
Component: Untriaged → Widget: Gtk
Product: Firefox → Core
Any chance you can use dev tools inspector to see if that's text in there, vs some sort of a gfx anomaly?
Flags: needinfo?(hellsing)
Sure I can do that but need some guidance, I'm just a barefoot user :) Additional info: the brackets are there on every confirmation popup: deleting bookmarks, opening multiple links from history list, etc.
Flags: needinfo?(hellsing)
Perhaps something went wrong in the update process? Re-installing Firefox from scratch might help:
Component: Widget: Gtk → General
OS: Unspecified → Windows 10
Hardware: Unspecified → x86_64
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: regression
Priority: -- → P2
Summary: Round brackets on buttons → Parentheses () at the end of dialog button captions in Firefox 53 HU
I wonder if this affects all Hungarian builds... CC:ing a few people from the Hungarian L10N team - do you guys see this too in v53?
Yes, I have seen this in all Firefox 53 builds.
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: Ugly UI affecting all Hungarian builds Hmm, that seems bad. Is this a general L10N issue or some platform integration bug on Hungarian Windows or something else? Searching "Lapok" I found this entry which looks fine to me: I guess if it erroneously have had "(%S)" in it, and were resolved with no argument, that the result might become "()", but that doesn't seem to be the case...
And that's why you shouldn't use special characters in accesskeys (same as bug 1281615). Those two accesskeys are not empty, they contain a non-breaking zero-width space.
I've just restored empty strings in Pootle, they should export to Nightly in about an hour. I'll have to manually fix mozilla-beta.
Will sign-off later on Beta. Next beta (I guess Friday at this point) should contain the fix
Component: General → hu / Hungarian
Product: Core → Mozilla Localizations
Version: 53 Branch → unspecified
Beta signed off, also moved to the correct component. To clarify what happens: * Localizers use the special character to mark the string as translated in the tool (it's actually a ZWNJ, zero-width non-joiner) * Code finds "something" for the default accept and cancel buttons, tries to display it (it's an invisible character though) Still not sure why we have those empty accesskeys in the first place. The change landed in aurora on 2017-02-08, so it should only affect 53 at this point.
Assignee: nobody → francesco.lodolo
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Fix for Nightly Tomorrow's Nightly build should be OK if someone wants to verify.
Are you sure it's completely fixed? Can you search that character in all those hu files? I've seen the same problem with some other captions (I can't check it now as I'm using FF 51 [ALSA] on Linux).
(In reply to Gergely from comment #13) > Are you sure it's completely fixed? Can you search that character in all > those hu files? I've seen the same problem with some other captions (I can't > check it now as I'm using FF 51 [ALSA] on Linux). Those two accesskeys are used every time there's a default or cancel button in a dialog. The problem is not with strings in general and ZWNJ, it's with those two specific accesskeys. Using that character in a string concatenated to another wouldn't create any issue.
Thank you very much. (I shouldn't have asked when I'm too tired to think.)
Thank you Gergely for the report and Flod for the fix. I am confirming Nigthly 55.0a1 (2017-05-08) has this bug. I will report back about the current build today.
It seems the problem is more common in Hungarian version. I checked the current Firefox release (53.0.2 (64 bites)) about:buildconf: Built from Build platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32 And i found several dialogs have same problem too: about:preferences#content * Betűk és színek (Fonts and Colors) – Speciális and Color dialog have same issue. * Language dialog too. * Előzmények törlése, Tanúsítványkezelő, Adatvédelmi eszközök and Kapcsolat beállításai dialogs have same issue. * In Előzmények törlése dialog: Törlés most() is also affected. * Nyomtatóhiba, Új könyvjelzők dialogs are also affected. Also I found several other missing strings those are in English right now but were Hungarian: about:preferences#general Show your home page Show your windows and tabs from last time Always ask you where to save files When you open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately Warn you when sites try to install add-ons Warn you about unwanted and uncommon software about:preferences#security Warn you when sites try to install add-ons Warn you about unwanted and uncommon software about:preferences#content Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above about:preferences#advanced Search for text when you start typing Warn you when websites try to redirect or reload the page Check your spelling as you type Check for updates, but let you choose whether to install them When a server requests your personal certificate Ask you every time Can we fix these in this issue or should I open a separated one? Also can we have screenshots all dialogs from the latest (fixed) Firefox beta (and/or Nightly when these got fixed)? Thanks!
If Hungarian wasn't completely localized at the time we moved 53 to Beta, that's expected and there's nothing we can do to fix it. 55 (Nightly) is in much better shape, also they seem translated in 54 (Beta). Note that several string changed from "me" to "you" in preferences, so they look similar but they're not the same strings.
Track 54+ as UI issue in all Hungarian builds.
Dear team, I use version 53.0.3 (32 bit) and it is with parentheses here too.
The first one to have the fix is going to be 54 in 2 weeks.
Hi Folks, Since fix has committed you can test Beta and Nightly versions. Please download one of them and test it. Any feedback is warmly welcome!
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