Closed Bug 1383097 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago


(Core :: WebVR, defect, P1)

Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox55 --- affected
firefox57 --- unaffected
firefox58 --- verified


(Reporter: cgeorgiu, Unassigned)



[Affected versions]:
- 55.0b10 

[Affected platforms]:
- Windows 10

[Steps to reproduce]:
1. Launch Fx and go to
2. Click from the page the VR button.
3. Start painting using the brush at maximum width for a while.
4. Open the menu.

[Expected result]:
- the experience goes smoothly

[Actual result]:
- the VR freezes

[Regression range]:
- This is not a regression as this feature is new.

[Additional notes]:
- the headset has frozen while the web page displays accordingly
- the user must restart the browser in order to fix this issue, refreshing the page will only keep the VR in a closet status
- reproducible 90% of tries
- the complexity of the drawing or teleporting away from the map are not relevant to this issue.
We need to determine if this problem happens due to a bug in the content or if changes in the browser is necessary.

If it can be reproduced, we should find a minimal test case.  Emunitests should help identify any similar regressions.
Can you please reproduce this, Salva?
Flags: needinfo?(salva)
Is this with Oculus or Vive?
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu)
I am using Oculus Rift, and it looks like very similar to this,
Both. However on Oculus this issue is frequently encountered. I will retest it as soon as possible on Nightly and beta 12/13 and try to provide more info.
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu) → needinfo?(cristian.comorasu)
I'm not able to reproduce this specific bug with Vive, Windows 10 and Firefox 55.0b. However, I've reproduced bug 1383106 once (but only once).
Flags: needinfo?(salva)
I re-tested using Fx 55.0b13. The reproducible rate has fallen to 10% on Oculus, however now the experience has notable latency.
Flags: needinfo?(cristian.comorasu)
The remaining hangs and latency issues may have been fixed by Bug 1394561, which has landed in Nightly.  Please re-test on the latest Nightly and let me know if there are still any issues, thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu)
Priority: -- → P1
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu) → needinfo?(cristian.comorasu)
I re-verified using Fx 57.0b5 and Fx 58.0a1 (build ID: 20171004100049) on Windows 10 x64 and I can confirm the latest changes fixed this issue was fixed as well.
Closed: 7 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(cristian.comorasu)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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