Closed Bug 1387640 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Use Tiers instead of exclusion profiles


(Tree Management :: Treeherder, enhancement, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: camd, Assigned: camd)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files)

Some sub-bugs that should come from this bug are:

1. Stop applying a Tier to TaskCluster jobs based on exclusion profiles.  Just use the value that is specified in the task definition.  Tier-3 jobs are hidden.

2. Create a white or black list in the Treeherder codebase ETL layer for jobs from BuildBot that will be hidden.  These jobs will be set to Tier-3

3. Create a similar list for Buildbot Tier-2 jobs.  The only Buildbot Tier-2 jobs I can find on m-i, m-c and autoland are Autophone and Talos.  So this should be a pretty short list.

The proposal for this is a work-in-progress since it can have wide-ranging effects:
Assignee: nobody → cdawson
Bug 1390192 is another example of how the new way will mean less confusion all around.

CCing Andrew, since it sounds like we all want the same thing:!topic/
I'm going to start working on this bug this month, so bumping to P1.
Priority: -- → P1
Blocks: 1397877
No longer blocks: 1397877
Depends on: 1397877
Depends on: 1398386
The first PR for bug 1398386 will switch so the ingestion sets tiers for jobs, including Tier-3 for buildbot jobs that should be hidden.

The second PR will make the /jobs endpoint stop checking the exclusion profiles and remove the models for excluding.  It will also remove using the exclusion param from the UI.
Blocks: 1397716
Comment on attachment 8907260 [details] [review]
[treeherder] mozilla:remove-exclusion-profiles-2 > mozilla:master

This will be followed up by a PR that removes all the models and tables for exclusion profiles.  I just wanted to leave them intact juuuuust in case there was a problem.
Attachment #8907260 - Flags: review?(emorley)
Comment on attachment 8907260 [details] [review]
[treeherder] mozilla:remove-exclusion-profiles-2 > mozilla:master

(In reply to Cameron Dawson [:camd] from comment #6)
> I just wanted to leave them intact juuuuust in case there was a problem.

Good idea :-)
Attachment #8907260 - Flags: review?(emorley) → review+
Commit pushed to master at
Bug 1387640 - Stop using exclusion profiles

Note: This leaves the models and tables intact so that we can
revert without data loss in case we discover an issue.  A follow-up
commit will remove those tables and models.
Blocks: 1178227
Summary: [Meta] Use Tiers instead of exclusion profiles → Use Tiers instead of exclusion profiles
Comment on attachment 8908265 [details] [review]
[treeherder] mozilla:remove-exclusion-profiles-3 > mozilla:master

Thanks for the previous pass.  I believe I addressed your concerns.
Attachment #8908265 - Flags: review?(emorley)
Comment on attachment 8908265 [details] [review]
[treeherder] mozilla:remove-exclusion-profiles-3 > mozilla:master

Looks great!

How long should we wait before merging this to stage and then prod?
Attachment #8908265 - Flags: review?(emorley) → review+
I was thinking soaking PR2 for maybe 1 week.  I'm fairly certain we can address any non-hiddenness quickly enough that we won't need to re-enable exclusion profiles, but there's little hurry to remove the tables once they're not in use.  After 1 week and nobody is asking for my head, then I'll merge this latest PR.  :)
I've exported the current exclusion profiles in case it's useful to refer back to them in the future (with a bit of editing to remove the chronic thousands of entries for the ~"all" case of the particular platform/...).

Now we have this export (which will help with figuring out why things were hidden/bug numbers etc), perhaps we can land the last PR here sooner than a few week away?
Sure, sounds good to me!  Thanks for creating that export.  I'll go ahead and merge now.  :)
Commit pushed to master at
Bug 1387640 - Remove Exclusion Profiles models/tables

Removes all the models and tables for the ExclusionProfile and
JobExclusion models and related.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 1426962
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