Closed Bug 139174 (PluginDocWin32) Opened 23 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Plugin documentation for Win32


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: General, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hendikins, Unassigned)




(Keywords: helpwanted)


(1 obsolete file)

I'm working on it, and even tonight I've encountered one user who has needed it...
Assigning to myself, naturally, since I'm working on it. This bug is for WINDOWS Plugin documentation only, bug 104506 is the general bug Adding dep. to Bug 104506 (Working plug-ins status and files needed for Mozilla)
Blocks: PluginDoc
CCing Oeschger. Michael/Ian, you might want to coordinate efforts.
PluginDoc One Point Oh is up. It's 5am, so if you can find something other than nitpicking my grammar that needs to be done, I'm all ears.
Isn't it possible to create a script that runs inside Moz and searches the harddrive or certain default plugin-directories for possible plugins? I would really like that.
Now that bug 133282 is fixed, there's no need to copy plug-ins dll for popular plug-ins. What do you think ?
I think the document still has a purpose, because: a. Not all plugins are going to be scanned for b. Scanning for them doesn't help you much if you didn't have them installed in the first place, and don't have a copy of 4.x (or 6.x)...
Agree on that still ppl need to know which plugin works and how to install them, and AFAIK you still need the registry hack to get it to work.
It would be useful to provide a link for macromedia flash and shockwave plugins. There are revisions/bug fix from time to time.
For Java Runtime Environment plugins, other NP*.dll are needed to be copied as well so that mime-type of application/x-java-applet;version=x.x are supported.
Oh, i am wrong. there is no need to copy any java plugin dll (NPOJI610.DLL and other NP*.dll) to plugins folder for 1.0rc2 and current nightly builds. (it works at least for j2se 1.4).
Should we add what bug 45699 added? I don't think many people know they can put their plugins in appdata\mozilla\plugins.
I successfully ran Cisco IP/TV plug-in v.3.2 with Mozilla 2002060508 on Win2k (trunk). Note that WinXP is not supported yet for IP/TV (will be in v.3.4). Public page: Download from here (need a CCO login): Briefy, IP/TV plugin allows Mozilla to stream videos using Multicast, QoS, etc. from an IP/TV server.
WinZip 8.1 file. I also emailed this to but I wanted to make sure someone saw it. If you get it twice, I won't bill you for the duplicate :)
I missed one: Pop-Up Stopper 2.8 Free - PARTIAL SUCCESS Info: Install: Test: Any web site with pop-up ads. PASSED tests but can't differentiate between undesired and required pop-ups. If browser is open, PUSF will block opening the mail window. To bypass PUSF temporarily, hold the CTRL key down when intentionally opening another window or instance.
Alias: PluginDocWin32
Audio plugin (x-nap) (from Unisys) that work with Orange (mobile operator) services (used to listen the voice message left on your mobile phone):
The following plugins are now available that improve working with Mozilla a lot: - QuickTime Plug-in 6.0 - Macromedia Flash There was an article on at that describes all about them. I think the documentation should be updated accordingly. The documentation at does not yet inform about these plugins.
-->reassigning from me to Ian. Ian, could you please assess what needs to be done to the NS plugin doc and coordinate any Moz effort with M Hendy? Thanks.
Assignee: rudman → oeschger
Well, I'm usually in #Documentation and #Mozdev on irc.m.o as "Hendikins"...
Regarding comment #16: The Flash 6 installer forgets to install flashplayer.xpt for Mozilla - it only installs it in Netscape 6/7 components dir (see bug 160511) The symptom is getting a "plugin.SetWindow is not a function" error in JavaScript console when a plugin tries to execute JavaScript code of its HTML document. To correct that, one has to get hold of flashplayer.xpt (e.g. by installing Netscape 6, installing Flash Player 6, and getting flashplayet.xpt from Netscape's components dir) and placing it in Mozilla's plugins dir.
There's only so much I can test with VMware. Assigning to self, and adding helpwanted keyword, since I can't test all these things (even if I can work out how to get them installed).
Keywords: helpwanted
er, assigning to SELF. bad bugzilla!
Assignee: oeschger → nobandwidth
(sorry for spam)
Attachment #86870 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Depends on: 182106
This web page is really badly designed. I was trying to find information on how to uninstall Shockwave Flash plugins, so I clicked on the thing that said it would give me plugin documentation, and then I said I wanted Windows documentation and I ended up at this feedback form. You should really redesign these web pages to make them useable if you want people to be able to find anything. It's really confusing and disheartening.
Succesfully got Citrix ICA Web Client plugin to work with Mozilla v1.5 and Mozilla 1.7. The plugin install doesn't appear to recoginize Mozilla, but it is compatible. You need to do a manual install process. a) Install ica32t.exe (You should have this if you use a Citrix server) b) Copy "npican.dll" from "c:\program files\citrix\icaweb32" to the Mozilla plugins folder c) Copy "npicanui.dll" from "c:\program files\citrix\icaweb32\resource\en" to the Mozilla plugins folder d) Quit and re-start Mozilla
Depends on: 133567
Java Plugin won't work with Firefox 1.5. I have tried with JRE 1.4_2 and 1.5. After a lot of searches and hunches I managed to get it to work by installing Mozilla 1.7.12 side-by-side. The reason for the problem is as follows and should be documented on the Plugin Documentation: 1. JRE provides plugins support for Mozilla/Netscape - not Firefox. 2. I went to Control Panel -> Java (or Java Plugin), and tried to enable plugin-support for Mozilla/Netscape but that didn't work when Mozilla was not installed on my laptop (i.e. only Firefox was installed). JRE complained that Mozilla/Netscape wasn't installed. I am guessing that's because Firefox 1.5 does not register itself as Mozilla (perhaps it registers as Firefox). And since JRE only looks for Mozilla - which it doesn't find in the registry - it thinks that Mozilla is not installed and therefore doesn't enable applet support for Firefox. 3. So then I installed Mozilla 1.7.12 as well. After that I went back to Control Panel -> Java and this time I was able to enable Mozilla/Netscape (i.e. I was able to check the box against Mozilla/Netscape in the Java control panel). From the above, I am guessing that java applets won't run on *anybody's* computer as long as Firefox 1.5 does not fix this problem. I read elsewhere on the internet that people are facing similar problems for other platforms too (e.g. Solaris 9).
Assignee: hendikins → nobody
Component: Help Viewer → Documentation Requests
Product: Documentation → Mozilla Developer Center
QA Contact: rudman → doc-request
This bug does not seem to be tracking work any more. Hendy has done several revamps since 2004. If you disagree with this closing please reopen.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Documentation Requests → Documentation
Component: Documentation → General
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Developer Documentation
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