Closed Bug 1395415 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Beta acts like a crash recovery situation after updating


(Toolkit :: Application Update, defect)

56 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: justdave, Unassigned)



(4 files)

I'm on the beta branch... I opened the About dialog and it said there was an update available, so I clicked the "Restart to Update" button. Upon restarting, I was greeted with the "Oops, it looks like Firefox quit unexpectedly" page with the session restore options. I restored my session, then went back to the About dialog, and it again said I had an update available (it'd been a long time since I restarted, so it's not unusual to see a second one at this point). I clicked "Restart to Update" again, and again, upon restarting, I got the "Oops" page with session restore options. Restored my session again. Just to see if it was repeatable, I then quit from Firefox and ran it again, but this time it started normally. It's like it failed to close the session properly on restart when doing so via the update mechanism. currently on: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0 (after the above actions were completed).
Could you check for a crash report?
Flags: needinfo?(justdave)
Also, please perform the following 1. Type about:config in the url bar. 2. Click the button that is shown. 3. Copy into the search bar. 4. Toggle the value from false to true by either double clicking it or via the context menu. 5. Under Tools -> Web Developer select Browser Console. 6. Copy and paste the following into the text box at the bottom var fileLocator = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIProperties); var dir = fileLocator.get("UpdRootD", Ci.nsIFile); dir.reveal(); 7. In the directory that is opened attach the active-update.xml and updates.xml files to this bug 8. In the updates subdirectory attach the last-update.log and the backup-update.log files if they exist. 9. In the 0 subdirectory attach the update.log and the update.status files if they exist.
(In reply to Robert Strong [:rstrong] (use needinfo to contact me) from comment #1) > Could you check for a crash report? Most recent crash report I have is from 7/13. Attachments coming shortly.
Flags: needinfo?(justdave)
Attached file active-update.xml
Attached file updates.xml
Attached file last-update.log
Attached file backup-update.log
The '0' subdirectory is empty.
This looks like a bug with shutdown and the logs don't show any issues with the updater. Since there have been a few issues with staging updates lately and update staging has been disabled on Windows due to bug 1368600 I've disabled update staging on OS X and Linux in bug 1397562 which removes app update from the possible paths that could might have been involved in this crash. Duping over to the bug that disabled update staging since there isn't anything else to go on and that change takes app update out of the possible paths for this crash.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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