Open Bug 1400252 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

WebExtensions should not be able to create popup windows without a navbar


(WebExtensions :: Frontend, enhancement, P3)



(firefox57 wontfix)

Tracking Status
firefox57 --- wontfix


(Reporter: johannh, Unassigned)




(3 files)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1385194 +++

(In reply to :Gijs from bug 1385194 comment #12)
> Can you file a followup bug for webextensions to not do this? I don't think
> we should be allowing extensions to create windows without location bars.

Gijs asked me to file a follow-up to bug 1385194, and I agree that we should not allow WebExtension popups to go fully chrome-less. The reasons were discussed to greats lengths in bug 1332447.

If we don't clear this issue now, we risk these chromeless popups being regularly broken by Firefox engineers who don't account for the no-navbar scenario.

What exactly is the harm in showing the disabled urlbar like regular popups do?
Surfacing this to the webext folks. I'm not sure this is even intentional. What does Chrome do for these popup windows?
Just getting out of the way of the 57 triage for the moment.
Priority: -- → P3
(In reply to :Gijs from comment #1)
> Surfacing this to the webext folks. I'm not sure this is even intentional.
> What does Chrome do for these popup windows?

When I checked this for bug 1385194, Chrome did indeed show a chromeless popup window as well...
Yeah. Just because Chrome supports it doesn't mean we have to. 

However I will point out that lots of add-on developers are missing the ability to create panels - there's a ton of bugs on that in different guises. The ability to be able to create a popup window is something we point to as a work around.
Depends on: 1402703
Comment on attachment 8927797 [details]
Capture du 2017-11-13 12-21-54.png

Authenfication .htaccess on Keefox Version :
On for Mozilla Firefox :
Marco, your screenshots are showing bug 1408446.
Product: Toolkit → WebExtensions
See Also: → 1620920
Severity: normal → S3
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