Bug 1400557
Opened 7 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
Various Full Screen bugs in Photon
(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: mark.paxman99, Unassigned)
(Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted)
(2 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.1 Safari/603.2.4
Steps to reproduce:
Invoked Full Screen mode using a WebExtension, effectively using:- document.documentElement.requestFullscreen();
Actual results:
Full screen mode engages correctly BUT there are bugs
(i) pinch to zoom does not seem to work in full screen mode
(ii) if full screen mode is invoked during page load, the URL bar disappears correctly but the blue progress bar stays awkwardly across the (now full screen) content.
Expected results:
Pinch to zoom should work (it does work correctly in FF Android 56.0b11).
The blue progress bar should disappear or move to the top of the screen (this bug also exists in FF Android 56.0b11)
Comment 2•7 years ago
I suggest
1. Pinch to zoom should work
2. Is there any examples I can try and then can give suggestions.
Thank you
Flags: needinfo?(jalin) → needinfo?(cnevinchen)
You can see the same effect on a normal page if you get the timing right.
Load a vertically tall page with lots of content, eg When the page is nearly finished loading (progress bar >2/3 of the way across), slowly fling the page content upwards. If you get the timing of the fling right:- just before the progress bar completes, the URL bar will slide up out of view, but the progress bar gets "left behind" and sits at its normal place about 1 cm from the top of the screen.
On recent Nightly (eg 58.0a1 2017-09-22) the progress bar does a full swoosh left to right as loading completes. I think it's that swoosh that gets left behind, the URL bar has disappeared and the swoosh goes across page content about 1 cm from the top of screen.
It needs to be a proper fling, i.e. the page content needs to be moving without any finger touching the screen. See also bug 1401526 which is somewhat related i.e. odd behaviour on a fling during which the URL bar disappears.
The progress bar acts like it is hard coded to that position 1 cm from the top of the screen, it's not truly "attached" to the URL bar. I think the progress bar should slide up with the URL bar as necessary. Or disappear when full screen (aka immersive) mode is triggered with e.g. an add-on.
Comment 4•7 years ago
Hi Mark
Can you give us the device spec and URL you were looking?
adb screenrecord is even better :) Thanks a lot!
Flags: needinfo?(cnevinchen) → needinfo?(mark.paxman99)
Updated•7 years ago
Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted
Hi, thanks for your interest
Test devices:-
Sony Xperia X Compact running Android 7.1.1
BQ Aquaris X5 running Android 6.0.1
Latest Nightly 58.0a1 2017-09-26
I invoke full screen mode using a hacky WebExtension based on the add-on called Simple Gesture. This allows me to invoke full screen (immersive) mode using a swipe. If you like I can provide a copy of the add-on, but the code is horrible, you will laugh.
Problem 1 - Pinch-to-zoom does not work in full screen (immersive) mode, for any site that I have tested.
Enter full screen mode, you can hack together an add-on easily, eg from
just change the action to
or I can send you my add on
- navigate to any site, eg
- invoke full screen (immersive) mode using the add-on
- try a pinch to zoom, nothing happens or the page scrolls upwards
Both my phones show this problem
Problem 2 - the progress bar is not always attached to the toolbar (cosmetic bugs)
2a - when invoking full screen (immersive) mode before the progress bar completes, the toolbar disappears but the progress bar remains
see attached video "progress bar on full screen.mp4". This is on my Sony but the same effect on my BQ
2b - when scrolling just as the progress bar completes, the toolbar scrolls out of sight but the progress bar remains.
This could be a Sony or Android 7.1.1 only bug, I don't really see it on my BQ running 6.0.1, but the BQ is dog slow at scrolling and I have not spent a lot of time looking for this bug.
see attached video "progress bar on scroll.mp4"
(I've not attached files before, fingers crossed!)
Thanks for Firefox
Flags: needinfo?(mark.paxman99)
> (i) pinch to zoom does not seem to work in full screen mode
I'm not sure pinch-to-zoom is necessary - I think fullscreen mode would be primarily used by videos or pages that are otherwise mobile aware and don't require pinch to zoom.
> (ii) if full screen mode is invoked during page load, the URL bar disappears correctly but the blue progress bar stays awkwardly across the (now full screen) content.
Pages are unlikely to launch fullscreen mode from page load because a user's consent is generally required for fullscreen mode.
Priority: -- → P3
re (i) fair enough, it used to work (before FF 46 I think), it's a shame to lose a feature. It was nice to be able to make an add-on to move to full screen mode with a gesture and then have a fully-functional full-screen browsing experience. Including pinch to zoom.
re (ii) it matters for bug 1413128 I think.
Maybe best to kill this bug and rely on 1413128 if you're not going to restore pinch to zoom in full screen??
Comment 10•7 years ago
Closing per
Contact :susheel if you think this bug should be re-opened
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
Assignee | ||
Updated•4 years ago
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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