Closed Bug 1405202 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Disabled add-ons are no longer cleanly disabled/uninstalled


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, defect)

57 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox56 --- unaffected
firefox57 --- affected
firefox58 --- affected


(Reporter: karlt, Unassigned)



Prior to Tab Mix Plus would be disabled in a way that removed '\"tabmixScrollBox\",' from "browser.uiCustomization.state" when updating Firefox from versions that permitted add-ons. I guess that was due to an uninstall mechanism. When updating Firefox to a version after that changeset, '\"tabmixScrollBox\",' remains leaving bug 1405200.
tracking-57? because, when updating from 56 to 57, legacy add-ons would not be disabled in a way that cleanly removes their influence. There is potential for other problems from uncleanly disabled add-ons, and 57 is likely to uncleanly disable many add-ons.
Version: Trunk → 57 Branch
See also bug 1034394. I believe the problem here is that Tab Mix Plus only cleans up its CustomizableUI state when it is uninstalled and in 57 it just became disabled. This is annoying but there's not much we can do about it from the add-ons manager end (and this is a big part of why we have been so keen to get rid of XUL overlay extensions). Your other bug covers what I assume is the more tractable problem of repairing the UI when it gets into this state.
Keywords: regression
In bug 1405200 I'm recommending we reset the pref.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
I investigated further and found that Tab Mix Plus removes tabmixScrollBox on clean shutdown of the browser. This is then also removed when disabled (not uninstalled) before a clean shutdown. I guess bug 1405200 must've occurred because the last run with 56 did not shut down cleanly. I don't think this report is a duplicate of bug 1405200, but I also don't know whether forcing extensions through a clean shutdown is practical or sensible, and my incorrect assumptions in this report make it kind of invalid.
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