Closed Bug 141266 Opened 23 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Classic theme: toolbar icons for bold, italic, and underline do not update after they have been depressed.


(SeaMonkey :: Themes, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dslmichael, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: WFM?)

On the 04-30 1.0.0 branch, and 04-30 trunk builds, if you click the icons for bold, italic, or underline, they do not appear to be active, but only in classic theme. Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch browser, switch to classic theme, and restart the browser 2. Launch Composer 3. Type some text, and then click on the bold, italic, or underline icons on the toolbar. 4. Type some more text Actual results: The text shows up as bold, italic, or underline, but the toolbar icon(s) do not appear to be depressed. Expected results: I would expect some visual verification that the text style was applied. Checking back on my old builds, this appears to have first showed up between the 12-30-01 trunk and 01-04-02 trunk builds. Probably a dupe, but I could not find it.
cc: smoke tester.
most likely a dupe of 133666. try all your steps again except restart twice after switching themes.
I can't reproduce this at all.
*** Bug 141263 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I am only able to reproduce this on Win XP. Mac OSX and Win 2k do not appear to be experiencing this problem.
. . . and no amount of restarts appear to make a difference in the reproducibility of this bug.
ah, I do not have an XP machine.
*** Bug 128164 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is not about updating, but the toolbar button checked state is not visible on Windows XP/XP theme with Mozilla classic theme. So if: - Mozilla is set to the classic theme - XP is set to the XP theme The checked state of buttons (button is 'down')doesn't work
I see this too on OpenVMS, using the classic theme. Can't believe its still not been fixed! This is with 1.3 final and 1.4 alpha.
I can reproduce this on Redhat Linux 8.0, but not on Mac OSX nor on Windows 2000.
OS: Windows XP → All
The fix for this is simple. toolbarbutton.css sets the buttons to have a native look on platforms that support it in these lines toolbarbutton { -moz-appearance: toolbarbutton; But the file dosent set a seperate state for checked buttons later on resulting in the earlier setting of -moz-appearance overriding the border and background colors that show the checked state on platforms that don't support a native look. The Mac dosen't have this problem because it dosen't set moz-appearance on the static state, only using it for the hover state. Add this line: -moz-appearance:none !important; Right after line 104 of mozilla/themes/classic/global/win/toolbarbutton.css and after line 105 of mozilla/themes/classic/global/unix/toolbarbutton.css so that they read toolbarbutton[checked="true"] { -moz-appearance:none !important; -moz-border-top-colors: ThreeDLightShadow ThreeDShadow !important; This will get Bold, Italic, Underline, and some of the other buttons that are susposed to have a checked apperance working on the platforms that are having a problem.
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
Assignee: shliang → nobody
QA Contact: pmac → themes
Looking at the style rules in toolkit/themes/global/toolbarbutton.css this looks fixed.
Whiteboard: WFM?
> Looking at the style rules in toolkit/themes/global/toolbarbutton.css this looks fixed. > Whiteboard: WFM? I agree.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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