Closed Bug 1421077 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

One-click-loaners don't work "out of the box" for level 3 tree build jobs


(Firefox Build System :: Task Configuration, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: glandium, Assigned: wcosta)


STR: - Open treeherder on a level 3 tree, e.g. mozilla-central - Pick a build job - Select "one-click loaner" - Click "Create task" Expected result: - A task where you can watch the live log and connect to the shell. Actual result: - A task where you can't watch the live log and can't connect to the shell. The problem stems from the workerType being gecko-3-b-linux.
Assignee: nobody → wcosta
For security reasons, level 3 tasks can't run interactive, iirc. :jonasfj, is that correct?
Flags: needinfo?(jopsen)
@wcosta, yes that is correct. We could tweak actions.json such that it doesn't show this option for level 3 tasks.. If this is using the new UI actions thing...
Flags: needinfo?(jopsen)
Please don't remove the option for level 3 tasks. Instead, change the level in the created tasks.
I don't think that's practical -- there's no good, non-fragile way to "rewrite" a task at one level to another.
Product: TaskCluster → Firefox Build System
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

there's no good, non-fragile way to "rewrite" a task at one level to another.

FWIW, since that comment has been written, I've created innumerable interactive tasks from non-try manually by doing the following:

  • Inspect task from treeherder
  • On the taskcluster page that opens, select Action -> Edit as Interactive task
  • In the Create task editor, change any 3 with 1 in:
    • workerType (gecko-3 -> gecko-1)
    • schedulerId (level-3 -> level-1)
    • scopes (level-3 -> level-1)
    • MOZ_SCM_LEVEL (3 -> 1)
  • Create the task

This has never failed me for toolchain, docker image, fetch, and build tasks. I think I've done it on tests too.

That's still pretty fragile. But could conceivably be done in an action!

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