Closed Bug 1443751 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

AWFY - is down 2018-03-07


(Testing Graveyard :: AWFY, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bc, Assigned: stephend)


Details is down again.

stephend: Could you take a look? This isn't urgent. If you can't get to it before next week, that would be fine. Van is not available for a couple of weeks due to the work bringing up the new DC.
Flags: needinfo?(stephen.donner)
(In reply to Bob Clary [:bc:] from comment #0)
> is down again.
> stephend: Could you take a look? This isn't urgent. If you can't get to it
> before next week, that would be fine. Van is not available for a couple of
> weeks due to the work bringing up the new DC.

I think I'll be back in the office on Thursday; complicating my journey down is that my car hasn't even been admitted to the repair shop yet, post-accident, and it's been raining today + forecast to do so again tomorrow (and 50% chance on Wednesday/Thursday).  

(I have 30-minute + 15-minute walks each way to and from the office, which I'd rather not do in the pouring rain, obviously.)

Any chance we can revisit that request to get a Tripp-Lite in front of that Mac Mini?
Re tripp-lite, that's a no go according to Van. This iteration of awfy has a limited future and we (you) won't be in this situation forever.

It is no problem for us to wait. Thursday is fine and if not, later is fine as well.

The mere fact that you are the only person willing to help me doesn't impose such a burden on you.
Taking; I'll get to this Monday morning.
Assignee: nobody → stephen.donner
See Also: → 1447365
Flags: needinfo?(stephen.donner) → needinfo?(bob)
The host is back up. Thanks!

I'm applying updates and will resolve if/when they complete.
turned off taskbar tidbits.
turned off cortana on lock screen.
still stuck on 1703.
tests started again.

Closed: 6 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(bob)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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