Closed Bug 144402 Opened 22 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Security icons in compose window should show what's possible


(MailNews Core :: Security: S/MIME, enhancement)

Other Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: KaiE, Unassigned)



Do we have already a bug for this? I could not find one. I only saw that there
is some discussion about it in bug 135636.

Currently, the icons shown in the statusbar of the message compose window show
what is configured for the current message.
The lock icon always looks identical.
If bug 144397 gets implemented temporarily, the send button will also show what
is currently configured.

It is requested that in the future, the icons shown should also display, whether
it is possible to send encrypted or not, signed or not.

I.e., it depends on the availability of valid certificates for all recipients,
in order to send encrypted.

The S/Mime UI spec ask for different icons to be shown in the UI, depending on
whether sending encrypted is possible or not.

In addition, both the send button and the security toolbar button should also
indicate that.
Depends on: 144403
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Severity: normal → enhancement

"In order to show at any time the correct state in the UI, this means, we need to
know at any time whether sending encrypted will be possible or not.

That means, whenever the list of recipients changes, we automatically must
check, obtain and verify the required certificates.

I already had discussions with people from the mail/news team. It will be
somewhat tricky to implement, because the current mailnews UI is not prepared to
help us here. The list of recipients is currently only gathered on demand, so
our change will need a partial rework of the mail composer window code."
Mass reassign ssaux bugs to nobody
Assignee: ssaux → nobody
Mass change "Future" target milestone to "--" on bugs that now are assigned to
nobody.  Those targets reflected the prioritization of past PSM management.
Many of these should be marked invalid or wontfix, I think.
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Product: PSM → Core
QA Contact: carosendahl → s.mime
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Old plans. Let's make new plans and file new bugs if we ever go back to this.

Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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