Closed Bug 1462670 Opened 6 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Autofocused input field gets improperly autofilled when submitting form using Enter key


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Logins, Passwords and Form Fill, defect, P5)

Firefox 60


(fennec?, firefox60 affected, firefox61 affected, firefox62 affected)

Tracking Status
fennec ? ---
firefox60 --- affected
firefox61 --- affected
firefox62 --- affected


(Reporter: glitchorbiter, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


Steps to reproduce

1. Go to a web page that has an input field that has autofocus feature, e.g.
2. Page loads, input field activates and the auto-fill box appears under the input box (example autofill entries: "bar", "baz", "foo")
3. Tap field -> keyboard appears and page gets zoomed a bit (if layout is not mobile-optimized).
4. Enter text "box" in the text field:
4.1. Press "b" on keyboard -> autofill entries: "bar", "baz"
4.2. Press "o" on keyboard -> autofill entries disappear because there are no matching entries anymore
4.3. Press "x" on keyboard
5. Press Enter key

Actual results

After pressing the Enter key, text in input field changes to "bar" (or whatever the first suggestion shown was) and the form gets submitted with value "bar".

Expected results

Form gets submitted with value "box"

Affected versions

This bug (or something like it) has been around for a long time, but I haven't tried to track it down before.

I have been able to reproduce this bug in
  - Firefox 60.0.1
  - Firefox Nightly 62.0a1, clean install from Google Play (Build ID 20180518100157)
  - IceCatMobile 52.6.0 (F-Droid version code 520610)
    - I know that this is not a Mozilla-supported version, but since it's not Quantum, I thought mentioning this may be relevant. The bug works a bit differently in this version too, so mentioning it can help tracking down the bug (see "Additional information: 1. Differences in IceCatMobile 52.6.0")
    - It is apparently based on FIREFOX_52_6_0esr_RELEASE branch in

I have been able to reproduce this bug in both Android Nougat (FF 60.0.1) and Oreo (All of the above FF versions). I have tried a couple different keyboards, another being Gboard and another based on the AOSP keyboard. Neither Android version or used keyboard affected the bug.

Additional information

1. Differences in IceCatMobile 52.6.0
In this version (and, I'm assuming, probably some other pre-Quantum releases too) the page view zooms automatically and virtual keyboard appears before tapping (or any other user interaction after entering address into field) ("Steps to reproduce, item 3"). If you _don't_ tap the input before entering text, you will get the _expected result_ (= bug does not appear).

This may also explain why this bug hasn't been reported before (I think) despite I recall it being around for a long time, because in older versions it didn't probably happen as often as now, and its occurrence seemed even more random.

2. Things affecting reproducability
It doesn't seem to matter if the focusing is produced via <input autofocus> or via javascript (e.g. <body onload="document.getElementById("search").focus()">).

The bug has something to do with tapping the input box after the suggestion box has appeared, as the behavior in IceCatMobile seems to suggest (in newer versions I couldn't open keyboard without tapping the field first).

Tapping somewhere else before selecting the input field seems to "fix" the bug for that particular pageload.
Hello, Thanks for report.

I tested with this devices: Nokia 6 (Android 7.1.1), Samsung Galaxy S6 (Android 7.0), Nexus 5 (6.0.1) on all branches and I can reproduce the issue following the steps from description.
The issue is not reproducible if I research the same text second time, also if I press the button "Quick Search" from site.  

I will mark this bug as New.
Ever confirmed: true
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
Re-triaging per

Needinfo :susheel if you think this bug should be re-triaged.
Priority: -- → P5

Something like this seems to still happen in GeckoView (Firefox Preview 1.3.1 (Build #12341950)
📦: 8.0.0, 78354bc12
🦎: 69.0-20190812090043)

  1. go to with a clean browser
  2. search for "foo", "bar" and "baz"
  3. go to bugzilla.mozillamorg again (to get a clean input field vs. using back button)
  4. enter "foo"
  5. "foo" gets replaced by "baz"

this is very puzzling because my Firefox Preview doesn't even show any suggestions but the behavior is so similar it is possibly related to this bug or even the same bug?

Flags: needinfo?(sdaswani)

Correctuon: "foo" gets replaced by "bar", sorry for the typo. Though now as I’m testing this more, seems that it doesn’t happen every time. For some reason it seems to happen more reliably if you open a new tab instead of just typing in an existing tab.

This is likely not relevant anymore as we rewrote the front-end (also we don't support autofill for now).

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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