Closed Bug 1466504 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Should we remove the option to upload screenshots to imgur?


(DevTools :: Shared Components, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sole, Unassigned)



Imgur uploads were implemented mostly in Bug 992386, and enable users to upload screenshots to imgur by using the --imgur option when using the screenshot command in GCLI.

While moving the screenshots functionality from the GCLI to the console in Bug 1464461, we wondered if we should remove this option.

I did some web searches to try and assess how popular this functionality is. In short: not much.

First I found someone concerned about imgur values on their browser prefs after having used imgur (unrelated to DevTools), and even having emptied their cookies etc:!topic/

So this is potentially concerning for users due to the fact that there's an "id" stored on the prefs. While this ID is unique to the whole Firefox user base, and should not be possible to be used to identify specific users, it can identify that they used Firefox. I have found concerns about the usage of an ID and the existence of imgur prefs in other pages. E.g. in the comments here

I did find a couple mentions to using the actual screenshot feature:


But overall, not a lot of mentions.

We have been discussing the possibility of exposing the screenshot functionality to WebExtensions to DevTools, so other addons could take screenshots and upload to imgur and/or any other image sharing website. Perhaps that would be a better solution than specifically tying DevTools to this one single provider.
Blocks: 1447491
Priority: -- → P5
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Now that we have an in-product Firefox Screenshots feature, perhaps we can change DevTools screenshot features to allow uploading there if desired and remove the imgur option?
Perhaps! But to keep this scoped to the actual work, the question has been answered as the imgur support was removed when migrating the screenshot command to the console in Bug 1464461, as we would have to rework the imgur functionality to make it work.

So I'm going to close this bug and file a new one to potentially upload to Firefox Screenshots which doesn't block the GCLI removal work.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
New bug for Firefox Screenshots in the console:
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