Open Bug 1473120 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Intermittent devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | uncaught exception - TypeError: this._startEndProps is undefined at _updateScrollButtonsDisabledState/</<@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrol


(DevTools :: Console, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)

Firefox 63


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: noemi_erli)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, leave-open, regression, Whiteboard: [retriggered][stockwell disabled])


(1 file)

Filed by: cbrindusan [at]

[task 2018-07-03T15:38:29.446Z]     INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.643Z]     INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.982Z]     INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.988Z]     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 15:38:29
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.988Z]     INFO - Entering test bound 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.989Z]     INFO - Adding a new tab with URL:
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.989Z]     INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.990Z]     INFO - Opening the toolbox
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.990Z]     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 15:38:31
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.990Z]     INFO - Toolbox opened and focused
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.990Z]     INFO - Test Copy URL menu item for text log
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.991Z]     INFO - Logging a text message in the content window
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.992Z]     INFO - Matched a message with text: "simple text message", all messages received.
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.992Z]     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | Text log found in the console - 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.992Z]     INFO - Open and check the context menu for the logged text message
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.992Z]     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | Copy URL menu item is hidden for a simple text message - 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.992Z]     INFO - Waiting for event: 'popuphidden' on [object XULPopupElement].
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.992Z]     INFO - Got event: 'popuphidden' on [object XULPopupElement].
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.993Z]     INFO - Test Copy URL menu item for network log
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.993Z]     INFO - Reload the content window to produce a network log
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.993Z]     INFO - Matched a message with text: "test-console.html", all messages received.
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.993Z]     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | Network log found in the console - 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.994Z]     INFO - Open and check the context menu for the logged network message
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.994Z]     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | Copy url menu item is available in context menu - 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.994Z]     INFO - Click on Copy URL menu item and wait for clipboard to be updated
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.994Z]     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | Clipboard has the given value: '' - 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.998Z]     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | Expected text was copied to the clipboard. - 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.999Z]     INFO - Waiting for event: 'popuphidden' on [object XULPopupElement].
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.999Z]     INFO - Got event: 'popuphidden' on [object XULPopupElement].
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:31.999Z]     INFO - Leaving test bound 
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:32.000Z]     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2018-07-03T15:38:32.003Z]     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | uncaught exception - TypeError: this._startEndProps is undefined at _updateScrollButtonsDisabledState/</<@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:407:21
very good data Eliza, thanks for making this.

:yulia- can you look at this test case that started failing when you landed the code for Bug 1464461?  It is failing about 8% of the time on linux.
Blocks: 1464461
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher) → needinfo?(ystartsev)
It is hard to say where this is coming from. We checked if the screenshot test is leaking but it looks fine. The alternative is that there is a race that was caused by the changes to dispatchMessagesAdd, but it doesnt make sense why it only happens on linux. We will look into it further.
Flags: needinfo?(ystartsev)
In the last 7 days, there have been 80 failures.

Most of the failures are on linux64, linux32, linux64-ccov and one on linux32-nightly.
Affected build types: debug, opt, pgo and asan.

An example of a recent log file:

And the relevant part of the log:
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.893Z] 13:28:50     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | Expected text was copied to the clipboard. - 
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.894Z] 13:28:50     INFO - Waiting for event: 'popuphidden' on [object XULPopupElement].
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.894Z] 13:28:50     INFO - Got event: 'popuphidden' on [object XULPopupElement].
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.895Z] 13:28:50     INFO - Leaving test bound 
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.895Z] 13:28:50     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.896Z] 13:28:50     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/webconsole/test/mochitest/browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js | uncaught exception - TypeError: this._startEndProps is undefined at _updateScrollButtonsDisabledState/</<@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:388:21
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.896Z] 13:28:50     INFO - setTimeout handler*_updateScrollButtonsDisabledState/<@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:378:13
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.897Z] 13:28:50     INFO - FrameRequestCallback*_updateScrollButtonsDisabledState@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:377:11
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.898Z] 13:28:50     INFO - onxbloverflow@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:573:9
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.899Z] 13:28:50     INFO - 
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.900Z] 13:28:50     INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.900Z] 13:28:50     INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:simpletestOnerror:1655
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.901Z] 13:28:50     INFO - OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull*chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:null:1635
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.901Z] 13:28:50     INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:Tester:403
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.902Z] 13:28:50     INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-harness.xul:createTester/</<:251
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.903Z] 13:28:50     INFO - GECKO(5956) | JavaScript error: chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml, line 388: TypeError: this._startEndProps is undefined
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.903Z] 13:28:50     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: this._startEndProps is undefined" {file: "chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml" line: 388}]
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.904Z] 13:28:50     INFO - _updateScrollButtonsDisabledState/</<@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:388:21
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.904Z] 13:28:50     INFO - setTimeout handler*_updateScrollButtonsDisabledState/<@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:378:13
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.905Z] 13:28:50     INFO - FrameRequestCallback*_updateScrollButtonsDisabledState@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:377:11
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.906Z] 13:28:50     INFO - onxbloverflow@chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml:573:9
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:50.906Z] 13:28:50     INFO - 
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:51.028Z] 13:28:51     INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:51.029Z] 13:28:51     INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:51.070Z] 13:28:51     INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:51.089Z] 13:28:51     INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2018-07-17T13:28:51.129Z] 13:28:51     INFO - GECKO(5956) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 20974498MB | residentFast 1278MB

::nchevobbe As you are the triage owner of this component, could you please take a look at this?
Thank you!
Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)
Whiteboard: [retriggered] → [stockwell needswork][retriggered]
Yes, I'll have a look soon (keeping needinfo so I don't forget)
Created a patch in case we decide to disable until fix
Attachment #8992999 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment on attachment 8992999 [details] [diff] [review]
Disable for frequent failures on Linux

Review of attachment 8992999 [details] [diff] [review]:

this looks good- if we get to Monday without a fix up for review, then lets land this.
Attachment #8992999 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
So, it looks like the failure is caused by the addition of browser_jsterm_screenshot_command_clipboard.js. 
I skipped browser_jsterm_screenshot_command_user.js in [1], and I do still see the failure.
But in [2], where I disabled browser_jsterm_screenshot_command_user.js, it doesn't seem to happen.

Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)
:gbrown can we land this since there is no fix for review?
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
:nchevobbe can we land the disable patch or you will do one?
Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)
(In reply to Cristina Coroiu [:ccoroiu] from comment #21)
> :nchevobbe can we land the disable patch or you will do one?

Yes you can
Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)
Pushed by
Disable browser_webconsole_context_menu_copy_link_location.js for frequent failures on Linux r=jmaher
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 63
Whiteboard: [retriggered][stockwell disable-recommended] → [retriggered][stockwell disabled]
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Assignee: nobody → nerli
Keywords: regression
This was not fixed, the test was only disabled on Linux.
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Blocks: 1483143
No longer blocks: 1464461

No failures for 5 months, let's close this.

erf, the test was only disabled, I should've read the comments

Closed: 6 years ago5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
Resolution: INACTIVE → ---
Severity: normal → S3
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