Open Bug 1475005 Opened 7 years ago Updated 6 years ago

CRM/Email Marketing Request: Mozillians Community Engagement


(Marketing :: Email, task)

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(Not tracked)


(Reporter: lucyeoh, Unassigned)




(3 files)

>> Mozilla Team/Department Community Development Team/Open Innovation >> What kind of relationships are you looking to develop? We want to create an engagement experience for Mission Driven Mozillians who are actively involved in campaigns (like so that they can get regular updates about upcoming campaigns. We also want to gather valuable information about engagement, reactivation, and onboarding to better engage contributors in our campaigns now and develop our capacities to engage them better in the future. >> How will you nurture these relationships? We will create a list where people can learn about upcoming campaigns, localized in their languages and related to their interests. We'll use a series of emails to tell them about campaigns and then drive activity to the relevant contribution area (ex. common voice, SuMo, L10N). >> Do you currently have a way to solve for this? We use the all mozillians list which is problematic because: you have to be vouched to be on that list (doesn't convert new people), you have to have a mozillians profile (big barrier), not everyone on that list wants to be involved in campaigns. We also post on discourse - but we don't know whose read it and it only reaches ppl who are already monitoring discourse. >> What are the pain points in the current process? We're missing a lot of features: A/B tests Pretty emails Easy sending Localized emails Attractive campaign sign-up page Attractive email templates Drip campaigns Connect our email tool to other external tools Create sub-campaigns within lists (that ppl opt in to) Generate reports (indiv level) Open-rates (emails stats) Email journeys Data & metrics >> What are the perceived benefits to changing the process? The ability to track, optimize, and re-engage contributors also avoiding spamming people on the Mozillians list who aren't interested in campaigns. >> How large is the data set? We estimate that 400 people participate in any given campaign (right now we don't know if it's the same people for each campaign or different). I suspect we'll easily get 1000 people to register. >> How many people on your team need access or training? 2 - Konstantina + a back-up (Rizki) >> How will success be measured? KR 1 - At least 400 people are registered as MDM Campaigners and in our engagement pipelines KR 2 - We have gathered valuable insights and feedback on the engagement experience for campaigners >> What is the risk to not doing this? We max. out our reach into the community and burn-out our current set of involved people. >> What's the timeline for launch? We'd like to have this set up by the end of August. At the start of September we're launching our next campaign - ramping up to the launch of Firefox 63, we'd also like to sign-up the people whose emails we captured during the SUMO sprint (June) to this new list before it goes stale. >> Any other info we should know? User stories -
Thank you, Lucy! I just invited you, Konstantina, and Nukeador, to our next LCM project intake meeting on Monday, 23 July at 12pm ET in Michele Warther's Vidyo room. Before we meet, could you/your team fill out this project form with some more details? We'll use this doc as our living doc for the notes from our intake session, and mapping out the project plan. Thanks! Jess
Hey Jess! Konstantina's on PTO but I filled out the intake form and will attend the Monday meeting.
Thanks so much, Lucy! Due to the internal mtg this past Monday, I'm inviting you to this coming Monday's meeting. Please let me know if that time doesn't work for you. Looking forward to catching up and talking through this project with you!
Thanks for joining us on Monday, Lucy! I just added some user stories to our LCM backlog to consider in an upcoming sprint. I've added these stories to the LCM project doc: For next steps for MVP: * For your team: I recommend syncing up with Arielle (cc'ed) to explore how to use the Splash tool (avail now in your SSO) to set up "event" RSVPs for these campaigns and send emails to campaign participants. This will give you the MVP setup for how to enable you to send campaign specific emails to campaign participants, collect email opt-in for future invites,and integrate your campaign participants into Salesforce CRM for reporting and future emailing. * For LCM: I'm proposing that we import your past campaign participants into Salesforce CRM so that you can reach out to them for your next campaign to invite, and we train your team on how to use Cirrus Insights to manage these smaller mailings out of your inboxes. * For your team to unblock our next step: We need the list of past campaigns and participants that you want to have imported into the CRM. Let us know when you'd be able to get us the list(s), and we'll see how we can get this into an upcoming sprint to support a MVP version before your campaign at the end of this month. You'll see the other stories about how to setup and integrate a bigger newsletter effort - and once that's integrated, we can talk about all the awesome advanced email options that will unlock (a/b testing, drip campaigns, etc.). Please take a look and let me know your questions. Thanks! Jess
Hey Jess, I think this looks like a good starting point for an MVP. * We spoke to Arielle and will try and use Splash for event registration for our next campaign and see how it works. * I'm happy to import our old lists into Salesforce. Konstantina can share the list of emails from the SUMO campaign (and add ons campaign) with you. * It didn't look like it was in the MVP but it's a priority for us to have a form that we can embed on the activate site to get other mozillians specifically interested in campaigns who we currently only reach through discourse/telegram/twitter into a proper mailing list. Would your team be able to help us create the form (MVP just need to collect language & country)? * Part of our experiment requires us to send localized emails, will we be able to send to people based on language through Cirrus Insights? * Last question - how big can the Cirrus lists be? Our estimate is that we'll be regularly emailing 4-500 people but the list could grow quickly. Thanks! Lucy
Hey Lucy! (In reply to Lucy Harris [:lucyeoh] from comment #5) > Hey Jess, > > I think this looks like a good starting point for an MVP. Excellent. > * We spoke to Arielle and will try and use Splash for event registration for > our next campaign and see how it works. Brilliant. You can use Splash to automate, or even manually send, follow up emails leading up to, throughout, and after the campaign as well. > * I'm happy to import our old lists into Salesforce. Konstantina can share > the list of emails from the SUMO campaign (and add ons campaign) with you. Andrew, the list is here: Can you let Konstantina know the field names you need to be able to create the event campaigns in SFDC? (ie Campaign name, date(s), etc.) Please note: Konstantina, after these contacts have been imported, please delete this gdoc. > * It didn't look like it was in the MVP but it's a priority for us to have a > form that we can embed on the activate site to get other mozillians > specifically interested in campaigns who we currently only reach through > discourse/telegram/twitter into a proper mailing list. Would your team be > able to help us create the form (MVP just need to collect language & > country)? 10-4. Thank you for flagging this. I propose we reactivate and utilize the setup of the "About Mozilla" email list. There are 124k subscribers from this email program that was designed for "Bringing you the best new opportunities to help support the open Web." That seems like the content for this email program - do you agree? If so, we'll work on a scoping plan to reactivate these subscribers and will give you the newsletter ID for your team to setup an opt-in form on your website (once the work is approved and in our sprint - I'll sync with Michele early next week to see about this.) Your team can go ahead and start working on the email signup form code, and we'll give you the newsletter ID when it's ready: There's also a sample signup form on this page ("Get community updates"): FYI: This signup form *used* to point to the About Mozilla email program, but we switched it to the Mozilla email program once the About Mozilla email program wasn't active. > * Part of our experiment requires us to send localized emails, will we be > able to send to people based on language through Cirrus Insights? To my knowledge, you can setup individual Reports/Audiences and filter based upon language, then send an email in that language to that particular audience. Andrew, can you confirm? > * Last question - how big can the Cirrus lists be? Our estimate is that > we'll be regularly emailing 4-500 people but the list could grow quickly. Andrew - can you confirm the limit of Cirrus? I cannot remember if it's 500 or 1000? If you go the route of the email newsletter opt-in + Splash to host the event, you'll use Splash to send the follow up emails for a particular campaign, and then use Marketing Cloud to send the newsletter (like Konstnatina does for Mozillians comms). You'll have less need/use of Cirrus Insights. > Thanks! Thanks YOU!
Flags: needinfo?(amorales)
10-4. Thank you for flagging this. I propose we reactivate and utilize the setup of the "About Mozilla" email list. There are 124k subscribers from this email program that was designed for "Bringing you the best new opportunities to help support the open Web." That seems like the content for this email program - do you agree? If so, we'll work on a scoping plan to reactivate these subscribers and will give you the newsletter ID for your team to setup an opt-in form on your website (once the work is approved and in our sprint - I'll sync with Michele early next week to see about this.) Your team can go ahead and start working on the email signup form code, and we'll give you the newsletter ID when it's ready: There's also a sample signup form on this page ("Get community updates"): FYI: This signup form *used* to point to the About Mozilla email program, but we switched it to the Mozilla email program once the About Mozilla email program wasn't active. ------ Hey Jess! So this is a little more active CTAs than what that list was probably initally expecting but it might still work. A few questions about reactivating that existing list vs. starting one from scratch. 1. Can we import our campaign emails to the about mozilla - list? (if we're doing reactivation we should wait though) 2. Info on the list: - Can we see the past emails this list received to get a sense of their expectations? - When were they last emailed? - Do we have a geographical and language breakdown for this list? 4. As you mentioned we'd need a reactivation plan - it'd be good to have this audience understand what they're getting in to and have a chance to unsubscribe if they aren't interested in participating in campaigns... Other question, Konstantina and I noticed there's a "get community updates" email collection on the contribute page ( do you know where those emails go and who emails them? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
(In reply to Lucy Harris [:lucyeoh] from comment #7) > So this is a little more active CTAs than what that list was probably > initally expecting but it might still work. It's actually very much the same content - I'm attaching the current welcome email for this email program, and the last 2 emails sent... in Nov 2014. Yowzas! > A few questions about > reactivating that existing list vs. starting one from scratch. It's easier on our end to tweak a current email infrastructure vs. set up a new one from scratch. (And helps us pay down some of our email program/relationship debt to clean up and reactivate subscribers.) > 1. Can we import our campaign emails to the about mozilla - list? (if we're > doing reactivation we should wait though) We'll need to email the people who we import into the campaigns asking them to opt-in to the email program. If we don't convert them to an ongoing, opt-in email program, we can only email the campaign participants *once* after their participation in a campaign inviting them to participate in the next one (and to let us know if they want to be invited to future campaigns - ie opt-into this new email program). You are correct about the timing/order-of-operations of reactivation, and then getting new people to opt-in. > 2. Info on the list: > - Can we see the past emails this list received to get a sense of their > expectations? Yep! I'll forward via email, and attach examples to this bug: - the last 2 email campaigns this audience received - the welcome email We'd want an updated welcome email from y'all before we activate this email program. > - When were they last emailed? Nov 2014 :o 83k, 19% open, 2.7% click -> not shabby. Given we now have 124k people on this list - 34% of this list have never gotten any email content except the welcome email. > - Do we have a geographical and language breakdown for this list? We don't have this info pulled at present - but totally can do so (and teach your team how to pull the report). It's a global, English list. As in, anyone in the world has the opportunity to signup, and we captured country info. It was an "English only" email program - so even if we have a different email language for someone for our email programs - this list always got content in English. > 4. As you mentioned we'd need a reactivation plan - it'd be good to have > this audience understand what they're getting in to and have a chance to > unsubscribe if they aren't interested in participating in campaigns... 100%. The developer newsletter did a similar "reactivation" campaign that worked really well: You could take this email format, and tweak the words to make sense for your program. > Other question, Konstantina and I noticed there's a "get community updates" > email collection on the contribute page > ( do you know where those emails > go and who emails them? This used to have people signup for this "about Mozilla" list. It now opts people into our overarching "Mozilla" email program. We had the form changed 2 years ago, when the "about Mozilla" email program had been without a program owner for 2 years. Bug 1308305 I recommend if we get this program up and reactivated, that we revert this signup form to be for this program. Next steps: * Lucy & Konstantina take a look at this info, the content, and let us know if/when you can put together a reactivation email & welcome email. * Jess to get opportunity & scope of this work in-front of Michele for approval into our sprint cycle.
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Hello Lucy & Konstantina! Good news! I've confirmed with Michele the plan to reactivate this audience during this sprint - if y'all can help me with some content. Here's what we need from you: 1) Reactivation Email I got one started for you here: 2) Welcome Email I got one started for you here: 3) Confirm/update email preference center copy: Email program title: About Mozilla Email program description: Bringing you the best new opportunities to help support the open Web. ^ I imagine you'd like to update the name of this email program. The description sounds about right from what I know about the program - but this is your opportunity to change the words. Let me know if you can get me content by Wed, 22 Aug, and I can send out the activation email by 24 Aug. That means, you'll be able to turn on a signup form for them after the 24th - and send an email to the whole list to invite them to your next campaign by Aug 31st. (We'll give the reactivation email 7 days for people to open - if they don't we'll unsubscribe them before your next email program.) Whatcha think? Y'all down?
Flags: needinfo?(lharris)
Flags: needinfo?(konstantina)
Hey @Jess thanks for all the work on this. I am going to work on the reactivation and welcome email and have them ready by Wednesday. *Just a note:* We don't know exactly when the next campaign will be (currently we are working on 3 on early stages) so we are not able to commit that we will send out emails on the 24th and on the 31st. But we will know on Wednesday and inform you accordingly. Two questions: - in a comment you mentioned you can teach us how to get a report on languages. Can we arrange a meeting about that? - on the enrolment form, will we be able to embed it to the our website? And how this will look like (meaning will it be a link prompting in another page) thanks again for everything Jess!
Flags: needinfo?(konstantina) → needinfo?(jdavis)
Hey Konstantina! So glad to hear that y'all can work on the reactivation & welcome emails! :D All good on the timeline. That was an example of an aggressive timeline that we could support. We'll follow your lead on this, including when the welcome & reactivation emails are finalized, and incorporate our part of the work as we're able with the other stories in our sprint. Two answers: > - in a comment you mentioned you can teach us how to get a report on > languages. Can we arrange a meeting about that? I'll find us some time between sprints to show you this. Given that right now, this program has been historically English, it is more of an FYI and potential opportunity vs. a blocker to sending these subscribers content. > - on the enrolment form, will we be able to embed it to the our website? And > how this will look like (meaning will it be a link prompting in another page) You will! You'll need your devs to do it tho. Signup form design and code info here: Github signup form example: form example: (signup form in bottom of page) Standalone page form example: You can reuse the code on one of these pages, and then update the copy and newsletter ID of course ;) I'll send over the newsletter ID for this email program once we've reactivated the current email subscribers.
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Hey Konstantina/Lucy, How are things going? We're planning our next sprint and wanted to get an update from y'all on timing of: 1) your next campaigns 2) when the reactivation & welcome emails copy is ready I just added into the campaign participant spreadsheet a tab for each campaign's details: Please add in this info so we can create the campaign in Salesforce and add these participants to them. (Not all fields are required - this is a standard set to offer you what we can easily store.) Let me know if you have questions. Thanks! Jess
Flags: needinfo?(amorales) → needinfo?(konstantina)
Heya! Konstantina is out until next week but we're ready to put the sign-up on the activate page. Is this wording okay? Also can you share the newsletter ID? 1) Our next campaign is Sept 17th but we decided that we're not quite ready to add potentially 100k people into our flow so we decided not to email the mega list about it. However we're having participants (from the mozillians list) RSVP in Splash which should (if I understand correctly) give us an opportunity to sign them up to this list after the campaign is over. Is that accurate? Out next NEXT campaign will be mid-August but isn't set yet. I suggest we activate this list with the promise of an event in the next few weeks... thoughts? 2) The reactivation email is here - I will also add to the backlog to pull in the emails from the SUMO sprint, I noticed that wasn't done yet. Tx! Lucy
Flags: needinfo?(lharris) → needinfo?(jdavis)
Hey @jdavis I added the info you needed on the spreadsheet. I am still waiting from my colleagues the list of emails for the sumo and l10n campaigns. Will add them in there as well. We have just been informed that we will need to send an email to the bigger list in 2 weeks, would there be a possibility to reactivate it next week? thanks in advance ~K
Flags: needinfo?(konstantina)
Thanks y'all! Wording for signup page looks good! I'd like Michael from Legal to give it a once over to be sure. (Bug 1493206) I'll send over the newsletter ID once we've reactivated the current subscribers (we don't want new subscribers going in until we can reactivate the old). I've reviewed the copy and made some suggested edits. I've also updated the story in our backlog and will get in front of Michele today during our sprint planning. I'll keep you posted. What's the content of the campaign in 2 weeks and it's impact on ORKs? That will help us prioritize this projects impact to Mozilla's OKRs vs. the other projects we have on deck. Thanks! Jess
Flags: needinfo?(lharris)
Flags: needinfo?(konstantina)
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Hey Jess, thanks for all the help :) replying on your questions: - content: Boosting mobile products at launch through review activity - for Focus/Klar - connection with OKRs. This will help our objective: By the end of Q3 we will deliver 2 new campaigns that bring even more value to mozilla’s product and technology areas while increasing our capacity for future campaigns through an improved engagement experience. and KR: 400 people are registered as MDM Campaigners and in our engagement pipelines What we are basically aiming for is to reactivate this mailing list and also subscribe our current campaigners as a way to have a unified specialized engagement funnel. We believe that now is the right time to do so, since this campaign will have a fairly small ask and it will allow the old audience to get re-engaged without feeling that the ask is huge.
Flags: needinfo?(konstantina)
Since the legal bug is closed and approved (bug 1493206) I am writing here for next steps: - I am working on putting the reactivation email on salesforce - we have already our first email to the audience ready in salesforce so work is done there - I am hoping to get the reactivation email out on the 16th of October so we can send the first e-mail on the 22nd. The reason I am asking for the above days, is because our first email is asking for users to download focus for android. We have already sent it to vouched Mozillians and we would like to see what is going to be the engagement for a bigger audience. This is connected with the the Mozilla topline KPR of growing our mobile products. @Jess let me know if you need any other help or info from our side.
Flags: needinfo?(lharris) → needinfo?(jdavis)
Thanks for the update, Konstantina! I've got your request scoped and in our backlog for sprint planning (happening this week). I'll keep you posted.
See Also: → 1501842
Depends on: 1501842
Reactivation email has launched! \o/ I'll keep you posted on the stats. Anyone who didn't open this reactivation email 7 days from now (Nov 2) will be automatically unsubscribed from this email program. You are now free to activate the signup form. Your newsletter ID: about-mozilla Let us know when the signup form is on a page to help validate QA. You should get the confirmation, and then a welcome email, from signup if you QA the signup form. Outstanding from this bug: Import the 4 past campaigns into Salesforce and help you send an email thanking them for participating and asking them to opt-into this email program. Let us know when you have the spreadsheets ready and content drafted to send to these past campaign participants. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
(In reply to Jessilyn Davis from comment #22) > You are now free to activate the signup form. Your newsletter ID: > about-mozilla > > > Let us know when the signup form is on a page to help validate QA. You > should get the confirmation, and then a welcome email, from signup if you QA > the signup form. Thanks, this is now available for testing here:
Looks great! Email fields passed through correctly, and so did the Source URL. I received the confirmation email (as expected), and the welcome after I confirmed my subscription. Last piece outstanding from this bug: Import the 4 past campaigns into Salesforce and help you send an email thanking them for participating and asking them to opt-into this email program. Let us know when you have the spreadsheets ready and content drafted to send to these past campaign participants, and we can help you import, and send the thanks + invite to your peeps. Thanks!
AH! One slight change to the checkbox & link - it should say: I’m okay with Mozilla handling my info as explained in this <a>Privacy Notice</a> Link to: Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(me)
(In reply to Jessilyn Davis from comment #25) > AH! One slight change to the checkbox & link - it should say: > > I’m okay with Mozilla handling my info as explained in this <a>Privacy > Notice</a> > > Link to: Done:
Flags: needinfo?(me)
e-mail draft added here: the emails can be found here: Just a note, since communications with the l10n/addons and dark funnel campaigns' participants happened in the platforms we engaged them with (splash and crowdin) we can not extract the emails. However we can email them using their emailing platform and invite them to come to our mailing list.
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Lookin' good! Made a few tweaks to the email content, and responded to your question about where to point people to to sign up (I recommend the landing page with the signup form for this email program). I filed the Legal bug for review. Once that's all good - it's up to the LCM team to import these Campaigns, and let you know where to find them to email them out of SFMC. This story is in our backlog. Keep us posted on how it goes with Legal and the signup form, and we'll figure out when we can support this work. Thanks y'all! And good luck! :D
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
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