Closed Bug 149599 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Personal toolbar and scrollbar have rubberbanding effect


(Core Graveyard :: Skinability, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: uhaas, Assigned: bugs)




(5 files)

There is often a rubberbanding effect on the personal toolbar and vertical scrollbar. The occurs in 1.0 and later nightlies.
I'm attaching a zipped rtf document (from wordpad) that has an image embedded.
Summary: Personal toolbar and scrollbar have ruberbanding effect → Personal toolbar and scrollbar have rubberbanding effect
Further testing indicates this is more reproducable by bringing having the window behind another window, then bringing the covered up window to the front by the taskbar or windows title bar. Interestingly clicking on the skin seems to not cause the problem.
I attempted to open the screenshot as an RTF - it's garbled data. Can you simply attach a JPEG, GIF, or PNG?
I'm reattaching as a jpeg
I have not been able to reporduce it with the classic theme. Only the modern. I'm using build 2002060408.
Attached image Screenshot (Classic)
I see this bug frequently in both themes (Mozilla 1.0, Windows 2k). Nothing special is required to reproduce it, just load a long (or wide) page and scroll it. Stripes, bands, specks, and other garbage will appear in the scrollbars intermittently. Screenshot of Classic is attached. (FWIW, I noticed some dependence on window size when I took a smaller screen shot to fit under bugzilla's 150k size limit.) Stephen
Attached image Screenshot (Modern)
More subtle effect with Modern... Stephen
Here is a workaround for those with hardware similar to mine: 1. Right click from the desktop and select Properties > Settings > Advanced > Troubleshooting. 2. Move the hardware acceleration slider at least one click back from "Full." My graphics card is an ATI RAGE MOBILITY-M PCI. You may be able to solve the problem on another card by experimenting with this setting. For bug-fixers: the setting which fixes the problem for me is described as "Disable cursor and bitmap accelerations."
Blocks: 104992
I was hoping to get hardware acceleration back so I downloaded a new driver from IBM. No luck. Here is my current configuration: Mozilla 2002070508 Windows 2000 SP2 IBM Thinkpad a21e ATI RAGE MOBILITY-M PCI Display driver product version: M6.12-020417m2-003835C-IBM I still need to disable cursor and bitmap accelerations to get rid of artifacts in the scrollbars.
reporter (Urban): can you reproduce this bug with a recent build of mozilla (for example, 1.2)? if so, please comment again with details. if not, please resolve this bug as WORKSFORME. thanks.
This is an image of Mozilla 1.2 on Red Hat Linux 8.0. The same phenomenon happens in the viewport of Galeon too.
It's been a while, seems to be working in recent builds. Will continue to monitor and change back if the problem reoccurs.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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