Closed Bug 1502524 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Style .CodeMirror-scroll with "contain:layout size"


(DevTools :: Console, defect, P2)



(firefox66 fixed)

Firefox 66
Tracking Status
firefox66 --- fixed


(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: dholbert)




(1 file)

Once we have bug 1497414 and we've preffed on CSS containment for frontend code (bug 1501492), one good candidate is the CodeMirror stuff that's caused layout issues in the past. Ideally, we want to contain the area where the user is typing, so that reflows from typing won't waste time reflowing/traversing subtrees & ancestors that aren't affected by that typing. In particular, we want to add "contain: layout size" styling to some element that is not dependent on its content for sizing & that is as close to the user's typed characters as possible. From looking at the console in Browser Toolbox, it looks like one good candidate is the ".CodeMirror-scroll" element. Its size does not seem to be influenced by its content (it has "width:auto; height:100%; overflow: scroll"), so we should be OK to give it "contain:layout size" without breaking its behavior at all. I am guessing that style would go somewhere in here:
After applying the patches for the dependent bugs, in a build with "ac_add_options --enable-debug-symbols --enable-optimize", I tried out the following experiment, before & after adding the "contain:layout size" rule that I'm suggesting in comment 0 here: 1. Open a new tab, and visit about:blank 2. Ctrl+shift+K 3. Execute the following statement: "\n".repeat(9000) 4. Start profiling. 5. Hold down the "a" key on your keyboard, and once a single line of text is filled up, let go of the key. (If you're doing it right, you should end up with a few characters on the second line, no more than ~6.) 6. Capture profile. Results: (URL provided is filtered for "reflow", and the reported measurement is milliseconds spent with "reflow" in the stack): * No "contain" styling: 590.8 568.2 579.4 Average: 579.5ms * With "contain: layout size" on .CodeMirror-scroll: 253.6 254.8 244.0 Average: 250.8ms Comparing the averages, this gets us a 56.7% reduction in time spent in reflow.
This should improve typing resposiveness in the web console, by allowing reflows to be initiated from an ancestor that's closer to the changed content (the typed characters).
Here's a comparison between 2 runs to see if this gets us any wins in the "DAMP" typing-in-console test (from bug 1487359), too: (originalRevision has dependent bugs' patches; newRevision has that same patch stack plus this bug's patch.)
(Also: just for fun, I tried reverting bug 1490890's gecko flexbox patch that helped us with CodeMirror perf, to see how much "contain" helps us in the absence of that optimization. (Specifically: I added back the loop of DeleteProperty() calls that were removed in that bug's patch.) In that build (with that optimization & without any contain styling), I performed Comment 2's experiment, and we are just terrible - after ~4 "a" characters appear, we hang for ~5 seconds, and then paint some more a's, and then we hang for tens of seconds when the first line is about half filled. Here's a profile of me trying to perform the STR, in a build like that: (This ended up with about a line and a half of "a" characters, because I couldn't tell when I was approaching the end of the first line because we were hanging.) If I add the "contain:layout" styling, my Comment 2 experiment goes back to normal -- it ends up at an intermediate performance level between the values reported in comment 2: 438.4 435.0 Notably, these measurements are lower than the "baseline" measurements in comment 2 (which were in the 568-590ms range). So in other words, the targeted "contain:layout style" application in this bug's patch is *slightly more effective* than bug 1490890 was, at making us perform well on the experiment in Comment 2! But of course, we're even better with both combined, as shown by the final results in comment 2. :)
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #4) > In that build (with that optimization & without any contain styling), I > performed Comment 2's experiment, and we are just terrible Sorry, typo -- I left out a word here. I meant to say "(with that optimization _removed_ [...]"
Thanks Daniel for doing this, the results from DAMP are quite interesting! It shows a performance regression on the console typing test, but that's not relevant given the profile you recorded. The most important gains seem to be on the debugger (which use codeMirror to display the js files). Could you push your WIP patch somewhere where it can be pulled so we can check everything react as expected in the console, debugger and style editor?
Ignore my previous request, I see now that the patch is on phabricator (I'll have another cup of coffee)
(Thanks for the better perfherder link -- mine from comment 3 wasn't to the correct area.) > The most important gains seem to be on the debugger (which use codeMirror to display the js files). Nice! That makes sense -- the difference between "before" vs. "after" there is a single codeMirror-specific declaration. RE the patches if you want to try them locally -- yeah, you'd want to use the patches from phabricator on this bug, plus the two dependent bugs (bug 1497414 and bug 1501492). Or you can "hg import" them from the try push, for a little while at least - you should be able to "hg import" each of these URLs: patch 1 (bug 1497414): patch 2 (bug 1501492): patch 3 (this bug):
Priority: -- → P2
Pushed by Style devtools' "CodeMirror-scroll" element with "contain: layout size", to hint that it can be a reflow root. r=nchevobbe
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 66
Backed out: ...for causing bug 1514763. In particular, I realized that the element in question here actually *does* want to depend on its contents' size (which is why the text entry area gets larger when you press "shift+enter" in the console). And size-containment should break that that dependency, in a way that breaks the intended rendering. It wasn't entirely breaking the dependency, due to a containment bug that I've now field as bug 1514843. So, as-filed, this bug is probably "wontfix", and I don't think we can fix it without breaking the graceful "text input box gets taller as you enter more lines of input" behavior that the web console has.
Resolution: FIXED → WONTFIX
See Also: → 1514915
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