Closed Bug 151004 Opened 23 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Delete groups results in Bad groupset XXXXX found in bug YYY


(Bugzilla :: Administration, task, P1)






(Reporter: tanner, Assigned: justdave)


A bugzilla administrator deleted several groups. Bugzilla gave the user a warning and they cancelled out (not sure exactly how this worked, since I'm just going on what they told me). Now when I do a sanity check, I get many messages that say: Bad groupset 2048 found in bug 103 Bad groupset 4096 found in bug 124 Bad groupset 4096 found in bug 125 Bad groupset 4096 found in bug 126 Bad groupset 8192 found in bug 143 Bad groupset 8192 found in bug 156 Bad groupset 8192 found in bug 157 Bad groupset 8192 found in bug 158 .... .... First issues, is I thought bugzilla would protect itself from this issue, by not allowing someone to delete a group with bugs associated with it. Second, how can I fix this problem?
What version is this? Version 2.12 is really really old, and as several known major security problems. I'm fairly certain that this issue has been fixed for a while in CVS. CVS logs show that this was in 2.12, too. Exactly what did they do to get into this state?
I have since upgraded to 2.17, since I too found reference this issue in cvs, let's just close it out as a bug in 2.12.
Forgot second part of the issue. Any way to correct the bugs that have non-existing groups now?
You'd have to do manual db querying. If you know the groupids, I guess that: UPDATE bugs SET groupset=groupset-2048 WHERE ((groupset&2048) != 0) would work, replaing 2048 with the deleted groups. You should test on a backup copy of the db first, though. If you've since reused the group bits by creating new groups, then theres no weay to separate the old groups from teh new ones. Note that 2.17 is the development version; you'd probably be better off with 2.16rc2, and then upgrading to 2.16 when it is released.
This problem exists in version 2.14.1 btw. We are running into this problem too. Not sure what bug groups we removed though. We did rename some Products so perhaps that caused the problem. Sanity check tells you what bugs have the problem, so you probably want to add the to the WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement above instead of just doing a blind query.
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.18
Unloved bugs targetted for 2.18 but untouched since 9-15-2003 are being retargeted to 2.20 If you plan to act on one immediately, go ahead and pull it back to 2.18.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.18 → Bugzilla 2.20
This bug has not been touched by its owner in over six months, even though it is targeted to 2.20, for which the freeze is 10 days away. Unsetting the target milestone, on the assumption that nobody is actually working on it or has any plans to soon. If you are the owner, and you plan to work on the bug, please give it a real target milestone. If you are the owner, and you do *not* plan to work on it, please reassign it to or a .bugs component owner. If you are *anybody*, and you get this comment, and *you* plan to work on the bug, please reassign it to yourself if you have the ability.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.20 → ---
This was fixed in 2.16.1 and 2.14.4. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 167485 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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