Closed Bug 1518487 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Add color and contrast check information to the a11y panel sidebar.


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, enhancement)

Not set


(firefox67 fixed)

Firefox 67
Tracking Status
firefox67 --- fixed


(Reporter: yzen, Assigned: yzen)


(Depends on 2 open bugs)



(8 files, 7 obsolete files)

16.26 KB, image/png
47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review

Right now that information is only available through the highlighter that does not have keyboard alternative. It should also be present in the sidebar to be accessible to the non-mouse users.

MozReview-Commit-ID: 2Ft28e4sbi

Depends on D17969

MozReview-Commit-ID: AAKt7zDvom8

Depends on D17974

Comment on attachment 9039894 [details]
Bug 1518487 - adding new checks section in the accessibility panel's sidebar. r=pbro,gl

Hi Victoria,

Could you please review the new Checks/Colour Contrast section in the sidebar in a11y panel. Here's the build for convenience:

Attachment #9039894 - Flags: ui-review?(victoria)

Comment on attachment 9039894 [details]
Bug 1518487 - adding new checks section in the accessibility panel's sidebar. r=pbro,gl

Hi Yura, this is awesome!

  • A bit more line height would be great. We have some brand new contributor work on a standard for this - basically, 20px high rows, with 4px accordion content padding.

  • I'd non-italicize the WCAG sentence as it's starting to feel like too many different text styles for me. We could instead tone it down by coloring it Gray 50.

  • Not sure if it makes sense to have the whole Checks section be selectable by mouse. The blue left border and persistent gray background seem unnecessary.

  • Maybe a single title of "Color Contrast," with no extra "Contrast:" label would be better. We could also bump up the size of the color wells. It could float to the left of both the contrast value and the info text. (Of course this is pretty polish-y and could be for a different patch)

Color Contrast
[[  ]   12.43 AAA ✔︎ 
 [  ]]  Meets WCAG AAA standards for accessible text. Learn more
Attachment #9039894 - Flags: ui-review?(victoria) → ui-review+
See Also: → 1523028

It would be good to also add an "empty" state, similar to what we have in the inspector panels. See screenshot attached :)

Depends on: 1524596
Attachment #9039888 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9039889 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9039890 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9039891 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9039892 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9039893 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9039894 - Attachment is obsolete: true

Comment on attachment 9042267 [details]
Bug 1518487 - adding new checks section in the accessibility panel's sidebar. r=pbro,gl

Carrying over r+ from Victoria

Attachment #9042267 - Flags: ui-review+

(In reply to Victoria Wang [:victoria] from comment #9)

Comment on attachment 9039894 [details]
Bug 1518487 - adding new checks section in the accessibility panel's sidebar. r=pbro,gl

Hi Yura, this is awesome!

  • A bit more line height would be great. We have some brand new contributor work on a standard for this - basically, 20px high rows, with 4px accordion content padding.

  • I'd non-italicize the WCAG sentence as it's starting to feel like too many different text styles for me. We could instead tone it down by coloring it Gray 50.

  • Not sure if it makes sense to have the whole Checks section be selectable by mouse. The blue left border and persistent gray background seem unnecessary.

This is really going to become a list of things so currently selected list item will make more sense soon, I think.

  • Maybe a single title of "Color Contrast," with no extra "Contrast:" label would be better. We could also bump up the size of the color wells. It could float to the left of both the contrast value and the info text. (Of course this is pretty polish-y and could be for a different patch)
Color Contrast
[[  ]   12.43 AAA ✔︎ 
 [  ]]  Meets WCAG AAA standards for accessible text. Learn more
Pushed by ensure that accessible audit can be performed without requiring highlighting. r=pbro add ability to customize the className of the LearnMoreLink component. r=gl implement accessible accordion component identical to the one used in debugger.html. r=nchevobbe make sure VirtualizedTree keyboard focus scrolling works for trees that are themselves inside scrollable containers. Use the same approach as the tree component in debugger.html. r=nchevobbe implement simple accessible list component similar to the one used in debugger.html and memory panel. r=nchevobbe implement ColorContrast component to display a11y audit information for text color contrast. r=gl adding new checks section in the accessibility panel's sidebar. r=pbro

Backed out for failures on devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_sidebar_checks.js



Due to the bustage that affected this push, the devtools were first seen on this push:

failure log:

task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.320Z] 22:16:32 INFO - Waiting for state predicate "({ details }) => {
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.320Z] 22:16:32 INFO - const { audit } = details;
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.321Z] 22:16:32 INFO -
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.322Z] 22:16:32 INFO - for (const key in expectedState) {
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.323Z] 22:16:32 INFO - const expected = expectedState[key];
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.323Z] 22:16:32 INFO - if (expected && typeof expected === "object") {
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.324Z] 22:16:32 INFO - if (JSON.stringify(audit[key], parseNumReplacer) !==
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.325Z] 22:16:32 INFO - JSON.stringify(expected, parseNumReplacer)) {
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.326Z] 22:16:32 INFO - return false;
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.327Z] 22:16:32 INFO - }
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.328Z] 22:16:32 INFO - } else if (audit && audit[key] !== expected) {
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.329Z] 22:16:32 INFO - return false;
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.329Z] 22:16:32 INFO - }
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.330Z] 22:16:32 INFO - }
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.331Z] 22:16:32 INFO -
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.332Z] 22:16:32 INFO - ok(true, "Audit state is correct.");
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.333Z] 22:16:32 INFO - return true;
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.334Z] 22:16:32 INFO - }"
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.336Z] 22:16:32 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.337Z] 22:16:32 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_sidebar_checks.js | Test timed out -
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.338Z] 22:16:32 INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.339Z] 22:16:32 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.340Z] 22:16:32 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.341Z] 22:16:32 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.342Z] 22:16:32 INFO - Cleaning up...
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.589Z] 22:16:32 INFO - GECKO(2535) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 2068MB | residentFast 347MB | heapAllocated 111MB
[task 2019-02-11T22:16:32.592Z] 22:16:32 INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_sidebar_checks.js | took 45964ms

Flags: needinfo?(yzenevich)
Pushed by ensure that accessible audit can be performed without requiring highlighting. r=pbro add ability to customize the className of the LearnMoreLink component. r=gl implement accessible accordion component identical to the one used in debugger.html. r=nchevobbe make sure VirtualizedTree keyboard focus scrolling works for trees that are themselves inside scrollable containers. Use the same approach as the tree component in debugger.html. r=nchevobbe implement simple accessible list component similar to the one used in debugger.html and memory panel. r=nchevobbe implement ColorContrast component to display a11y audit information for text color contrast. r=gl adding new checks section in the accessibility panel's sidebar. r=pbro
Flags: needinfo?(yzenevich)
Depends on: 1544721
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