Minify the bundled Activity Stream code
(Firefox :: New Tab Page, enhancement)
(Reporter: Felipe, Unassigned)
(Whiteboard: [fxperf:p3][chore])
The Activity Stream bundle [1] is a huge file that contains a lot of comments and whitespace. It has sourcemaps, so minifying it should not cause debugging difficulties.
I threw it at a random minifier on the web, and the file was reduced by 52%, going from 486kB to 233kB. That was an aggressive minifier but I don't remember if it mangled var names.
I did a quick test on my code editor by just removing all comments and whitespace, but preserving everything else (including line breaks, names etc), and it still got a good reduction of 32%, to 330kB
We should at least give that a try to see what would be the performance benefits of that (specially for startup) to see if it's worth going down this road
Comment 1•6 years ago
Source maps are being removed in bug 1526452 (except for local activity stream development) and have only been packaged in non-beta/release builds. The bundle is generated with webpack, so minifying as part of the bundle process should be relatively straightforward assuming we do get a performance benefit without causing too much other problems (e.g., making uplifts more difficult as the whole file would most likely conflict)
Updated•6 years ago
Updated•6 years ago
Comment 2•6 years ago
There might be a trade-off here between the size of the bundled file, and additional overhead costs to "re-inflate" the minified file.
Do we have a good sense of what this would buy us? Have we done any experiments to see how this impacts start-up time?
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Comment 3•6 years ago
I don't have a good idea, but now that we have startup_about_home_paint, let me do some manual investigation of what would be the impact. If it's any good we can send it over to AS for a proper implementation.
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Comment 4•6 years ago
Using the startup_about_home_paint test, I didn't see any improvements on reducing the size of this file.
First I removed all comments and extra blank lines, preserving everything else. That removed about 120kB from the file (from 500kB):
Then I did a slightly more aggressive version by removing all indentation, while still preserving new lines. That removed some other 30kB. Same results
With these results, I didn't go further down the path of variable name shortening, etc..
Comment 5•6 years ago
I'm confused. If we're not seeing any improvement, why is this worth pursuing further, rather than just closing it with WONTFIX?
Updated•6 years ago
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Comment 6•6 years ago
I don't think it's worth pursuing further at the moment. I left it open because in theory it's a valid request, but yeah it's better to just WONTFIX it.
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Updated•6 years ago