Closed Bug 1529976 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

wdspec test fails with new serde/serde_derive


(Testing :: geckodriver, enhancement)

65 Branch
Not set


(firefox67 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox67 --- fixed


(Reporter: kats, Assigned: Gankra)




(1 file)

An update of serde_derive to 1.0.88 causes a consistent failure in one of the tests. This is blocking updating various crates. is an example try push showing the problem.

I'll bisect a bit to see which version of serde_derive the problem starts with. Currently in m-c we are using 1.0.80 which doesn't have the problem.

Henrik, do you know if this looks like a bug in serde, or a bug in the webdriver code? I'm a bit out of my comfort zone here.

Flags: needinfo?(hskupin)

By passing an invalid capability object we expect no session to be started. But here it's actually happening:

[task 2019-02-22T18:26:03.682Z] 18:26:03 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/new_session/[value3]
[task 2019-02-22T18:26:03.683Z] 18:26:03 INFO - PID 31336 | 1550859963677 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session {"capabilities": []}
[task 2019-02-22T18:26:03.684Z] 18:26:03 INFO - PID 31336 | 1550859963680 mozrunner::runner INFO Running command: "/usr/bin/firefox" "-marionette" "-foreground" "-no-remote" "-profile" "/tmp/rust_mozprofile.eDYifqnSFBSa"
[task 2019-02-22T18:26:07.106Z] 18:26:07 INFO - PID 31336 | 1550859967100 Marionette TRACE 0 <- [1,1,null,{"sessionId":"cd61af88-5376-43da-8822-e67f4cfcbc15","capabilities":{"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"62.0. ... 0,"moz:profile":"/tmp/rust_mozprofile.eDYifqnSFBSa","moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin":false,"moz:webdriverClick":true}}]

So the problematic code should be somewhere in:

The test failing here is for {"capabilities": []}.

What's causing that I don't know but maybe is related here?

Flags: needinfo?(hskupin) → needinfo?(kats)

Yoric, as this is blocking the rust update you want, do you have cycles to investigate?

Flags: needinfo?(kats) → needinfo?(dteller)

Well, I don't even know what wdspec is, nor what these tests are about, or how they work, so I suspect I'm the wrong person for this.

Flags: needinfo?(dteller)

Note that I won't have the time to dig into this before next week. By the first looks it might be a regression or backward incompatible change in Serde. Feel free to point dtolnay to this bug.

dtolnay - quick summary is that something in the serde bump from 1.0.81 -> 1.0.82 causes a difference in behaviour in some wdspec deserialization (see comment 3). It's unclear if this is a regression or just an incompatible change. Do you happen to know if a change in behaviour is expected? I'm assuming no because it was a patchlevel version bump. It might also be that the wdspec deserialization code is doing things that depend on serde internals.

Flags: needinfo?(dtolnay)

Reading through our deserialization code, I am a bit confused why {"capabilities": []} is "supposed" to be considered invalid?

When we deserialize NewSessionParameters we parse a json object and look for a capabilities field, which matches that input.

Then we try to parse the field's contents as a SpecNewSessionParameters, which marks all of its fields as defaulted. So an empty array should technically be a valid SpecNewSessionParameters, as serde supports deserializing things from arrays/tuples by assuming the fields come in declaration order.

Am I missing something? Did you intend to express something along the lines of "at least one of these must be provided"? Or just "must be an object, reject all arrays"?

On the assumption that "must be an object" was the expectation, there are 3 possible paths forward:

  • Change SpecNewSessionParameters to have a custom deserialize impl that demands a map (object)
  • Change NewSessionParameters to expect that its field is a map (object)
  • Change the [] to a null in the input and embrace that [] is a valid NewSessionParameters.

They all have subtly different effects, so it depends on how the maintainers of this subsystem feels about [] being a valid parse.

Flags: needinfo?(dtolnay)

There's a spec! step 1 insists that we return an error if it's not an Object.

So I think that one of the first two alternatives are correct, and I suspect we don't want to change the behaviour for NewSessionParameters since that's supporting legacy clients, so the first option seems most likely.

Assignee: nobody → a.beingessner
Pushed by only parse spec capabilities that are objects. r=jgraham

Thanks for fixing that Alexis!

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla67
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