Closed Bug 1533025 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[Lenovo][ARM64]: System crash - browsing on Firefox


(Core :: Audio/Video, defect)

66 Branch
Windows 10
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox-esr60 --- unaffected
firefox65 --- unaffected
firefox66 + fixed
firefox67 --- fixed


(Reporter: liviu.seplecan, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


[Firefox version affected]: try build beta version 66.0b13 (
[Platform affected]: YOGA C630-13Q50
[Environment]: Windows 10 Home

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add this profile:
  2. unzip the above profile folder and copy it on this location: Users/[]/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles
  3. Open another window Users/["your username"]/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/profiles.ini and add then respecting the same pattern as can be seen to the other ones.
  4. Open Firefox and restore session/open some random tabs.
  5. Wait a few minutes if not BSOD.

Actual results:
The system crashes (blue screen of death) on two YOGA C630-13Q50 machines(this happens often - more than 8 times by using the above specified profile and steps).
The serial machines where was encountered the most crashes: Serial Number: MP1G49J7 Machine Type Model: 81JL0006US
the other two machines are:

  • Serial Number: MP1EUD72
    Machine Type Model: 81JL0006US
  • Serial Number: MP1G5B7M
    Machine Type Model: 81JL0006US

*another result that can be related it was a crash that occurs only once on machine Serial Number: MP1G5B7M:

  • on the profile.ini file all the older profiles was removed. The past-used profiles will appear only on ..Users/["your username"]/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles folder.

I've reported this to Microsoft through their feedback hub.

Hi Chuck, Anthony, SV mention more system crashes in their testing this past week.

Hi Tania, how often is SV running into this crash? SV mentioned "An increase in system crashes frequency during this week’s testing" in their latest test report.

Flags: needinfo?(tmaity)
Flags: needinfo?(charmston)

I found a way to crash the system with high reproducibility rate on aarch64 builds:

  1. Open 10 different youtube videos (with autoplay off on new tabs);
  2. Then visit each of the tabs one by one, make sure that ads are skipped and audio/video playing.
    Expected: all the 10 tabs should play a different youtube video; sounds should overlap.
    Actual: System crash (Windows bluescreen with error displayed: "VIDEO_SCHEDULER_ERROR").

I have to mention that the crashes seem to be related to video playback and that the increase in crashes is most probably because last week's tasks (testing areas) are more likely to find random scenarios that are prone to crash, rather than insinuating that the build may be in a worse state.

The bluescreen mentioned above was reproduced on Firefox Beta RC v66.0 using the STR above with 2/2 reproducibility rate.
After this, I have attempted to reproduce it in Nightly, Beta and RC again, but I wasn't able to do it at all anymore.

Sadly, it is still an intermittent issue.

Memory dump will be uploaded here:
This memory.dmp file should contain the dumps related to 2 bluescreens achieved today, 3/12/2019 at 2:37:45 and 2:33:55.

ni?kentuckyfriedtakahe to make sure Microsoft gets these dumps.

Flags: needinfo?(charmston) → needinfo?(ajones)
Flags: needinfo?(tmaity)
Component: General → Audio/Video
Product: Firefox → Core

Adding a link to Bug 1532560. Does it make sense to share dumps from the perf tests with Microsoft? Stuart, Anthony?

Blocks: 1532560
Flags: needinfo?(sphilp)

Emailing followup to Stuart and Anthony.

This should be fixed by 1548410

Flags: needinfo?(ajones)
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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