Closed Bug 153493 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Long file:// URLs not loaded in Mac OS X


(Core :: Networking: File, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: tganter, Assigned: dougt)


As the subject states, local filesystem 'dot' files cannot be loaded in Mozilla. So, for example, a URI file:///Harddisk/tmp/.tempPage.html will not load, even if it exists and is user-readable.
to networking
Assignee: law → dougt
Component: File Handling → Networking: File
QA Contact: sairuh → benc
worksforme, linux build 20020620. what build are you using?
Duplicate of bug 140606?
Not sure whether this is a duplicate of bug 140606. This file:///Harddisk/tmp/tempPage.html works as expected, whereas file:///Harddisk/tmp/.tempPage.html loads a 'directory browser' like page for the tmp directory. So, generally the UNIX namespace and file protocol are no problem, but only files starting with a 'dot'.
OOK, I've done some more investigating on the latest nightly. Here is what I find: file:///Lombard/private/tmp/WOOpenURL/.url-tigerbook.zuhause.ganter_399_46612773_293634356_1.html will not load. However, instead of my original claim, neither will file:///Lombard/private/tmp/WOOpenURL/url-tigerbook.zuhause.ganter_399_46612773_293634356_1.html Interestingly, both file:///Lombard/private/tmp/WOOpenURL/url-tigerbook.zuhause.ganter.html and file:///Lombard/private/tmp/WOOpenURL/.url-tigerbook.zuhause.ganter.html will now load correctly. Instead of what the subject claims, there seems to be a problem with filename lengths here, because the second URL from above will show up in the browser's directory listing as url-tigerbook.zuhaus#72FE7.html And, yes, Internet Explorer loads all four URLs without complaining. - Thomas
reporter, please look at this bug (and the problems described in it's duplicates). If you believe this is the same problem, please VERIFY this as a duplicate. If you have new data that suggests it is different, then REOPEN. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 140606 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Summary: 'file:' URIs for files starting with '.' are not loaded → file:// URLs starting with '.' are not loaded in Mac OS X
No, this is not a duplicate of bug 140606. The latter refers to Mac needing different URL addressing of local files than other browsers on the same platform (kind of). This bug refers to a problem that seems to be related with filename length (thus I changed the name of the bug - disregard all references to 'dot' files in earlier comments). Again: This will *not* load: file:///Lombard/private/tmp/WOOpenURL/.url-tigerbook.zuhause.ganter_399_46612773_293634356_1.html But, this will load as expected: file:///Lombard/private/tmp/WOOpenURL/.url-tigerbook.zuhause.ganter.html So, somewhere there seems to be a filename (or path component?) length limit. (I do WebObjects development, and the upper URL is auto-generated by the WO framework)
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Summary: file:// URLs starting with '.' are not loaded in Mac OS X → Long file:// URLs not loaded in Mac OS X
My mistake, I had seen this before, but marked the wrong Mac OS X dupe. Please look at the new dupe and VERIFY if it is the same. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 142043 ***
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Yep. This is a dupe. So it's my fault that I did not find the original one in the first place....
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