Closed Bug 1541891 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Make BrowsingContext::GetParent ~= GetSameTypeParent(), which respects MozBrowser boundaries.


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P2)




Fission Milestone M4


(Reporter: farre, Assigned: farre)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


No description provided.
Blocks: improve-bc
Priority: -- → P3
Depends on: 1523636

For when you get back, I was under the impression that this already works correctly. Are there known discrepancies here?

Flags: needinfo?(afarre)

Yeah, so I'm pretty certain that this should hold. Let me run some tests on try to see what happens if we make BrowsingContext::GetParent === GetSameTypeParent()

Assignee: nobody → afarre
Flags: needinfo?(afarre)

So I think that I filed this on your feedback for something. It should be correct as is, but I'm running a try with asserts, if that is horribly orange I'll reconsider otherwise this is just a wontfix:

So I think that I filed this on your feedback for something. It should be correct as is, but I'm running a try with asserts, if that is horribly orange I'll reconsider otherwise this is just a wontfix:

So the try from Comment 4 was pretty orange, so I'm running a test that asserts the other way around:

because I think that at GetSameTypeParent might be the same as GetParent at the time of GetSameTypeParent being called, but not the other way around. This would then also be because of how docshells are destroyed and how that differs from how browsing contexts being detached.

So this seems equally bad. Will dig into it to see exactly what's happening in the latter.

So, checking that when we do get a docshell from GetSameTypeParen, then that condition holds for the browsing contexts as well:

Fission Milestone: --- → M4
Priority: P3 → P2
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

Yep, the last of the runs seems fine. The former two is the old issue with tearing down browsing contexts isn't the same as tearing down docshells.

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